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Managing a Test Repository

Shahzeb Siddiqui edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 6 revisions

Categorize by Application

Sorting test alphabetically by application works best if your test are written to test a particular software package. This technique makes it easy for end user to find software test by application fairly quick.

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) buildtest[master ?+] $ tree apps
├── a
├── b
├── c
├── d
├── e
├── f
├── g
├── h
├── i
├── j
├── k
├── l
├── m
├── n
├── o
├── p
├── q
├── r
├── s
├── t
├── u
├── v
├── w
├── x
├── y
└── z

The sub directory for each application can look as follows

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) apps[master ?+] $ tree a
├── amber
│   ├── include
│   │   └── header.h
│   └── src
│       ├── file1.c
│       └── file2.c
└── ansys

The source code is placed in src and header files stored in include


  • Simple and intuitive way for finding test


  • Does not work for application test that use multiple modules
  • Can lead to duplicate tests where some tests can be compiled with different compilers + mpi

Categorize Test by Components

In this method we will categorize test into different components based on the test use case. As a general rule we will start off by covering compilers, openmp, mpi and gpu.

The directory format can look as follows

The root of component tree would look like this

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) buildtest[master ?+] $ tree -L 1 components/
├── compilers
├── gpu
└── mpi

Any serial test using compilers such as gnu, intel, pgi, clang, etc... can go under compilers/apps directory

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) components[master ?+] $ tree compilers/
├── apps
│   ├── clang
│   ├── gnu
│   ├── intel
│   └── pgi
└── commons
    ├── dotprod
    ├── helloworld
    └── jacobi

Test that can be cross compiled between compilers such as hello world program can reside under compilers/commons. In commons directory, the test should be organized into sub-directory that highlight the name or functionality of the test.

The inner directory structure will be same as outlined above.


Similarly gpu application can be written in cuda, opencl, openacc, stl, etc... All of these language programming language can be categorized in gpu/apps and the common gpu apps can be stored in gpu/commons

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) components[master ?+] $ tree gpu
├── apps
│   ├── cuda
│   ├── openacc
│   ├── opencl
│   └── stl
└── commons
    ├── helloworld
    └── matrixmultiplication


Similarly mpi test specific to an mpi wrapper will go under mpi/apps with the name of the compiler and test that are common between mpi can be stored in mpi/commons. At the moment we have not classified test that could be supported with MPI-1, MPI-2, MPI-3.

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) components[master ?+] $ tree mpi
├── apps
│   ├── intelmpi
│   ├── mpich
│   ├── mvapich2
│   └── openmpi
└── commons
    ├── latency
    ├── p2p_bandwidth
    ├── ping-pong
    └── ring-test

We can extend this concept similar to how OpenHPC manages its components see

Managing a large collection of Tests

There are some questions we need to think about apart from categorizing test

Add list of maintainers per test

This can be done relatively easy. As part of YAML configuration add the following field

 - Shahzeb Siddiqui <[email protected]>
 - John Doe <[email protected]>

User email address can change one option could be to tie email associated with their github profile to ensure git commits match the field in git configuration

How many total test do we support?

This could be a threshold defined in the framework BUILDTEST_TEST_LIMIT=1000 let's say and total test library must be within this limit. We want a sustainable set of test that are useful.

The project maintainer would need to define this limit during each release depending on volume of test and make decision on what test to drop.

Should we leverage test from other vendors, third party, hpc sites? If so what about incorporating test with existing license?

To be on safe side we should try to develop our own test and not rely on other maintainers unless we know what the test is doing

Should we accept a test for an unpopular software or rarely used in HPC sites?

This needs to be determined by project maintainers.

Archive Testing

At some point we need to archive test that as demand changes. If we categorize by application then we can use the same format with a directory __archive__

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) apps[master ?+] $ tree __archive__
├── a
├── b
├── c
├── d
├── e
├── f
├── g
├── h
├── i
├── j
├── k
├── l
├── m
├── n
├── o
├── p
├── q
├── r
├── s
├── t
├── u
├── v
├── w
├── x
├── y
└── z

26 directories, 0 files

In this scheme __archive__ will reside in the same directory level as all the alphabets

(siddis14-TgVBs13r) buildtest[master ?+] $ ls apps/
a  __archive__  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z

Archiving test can be done during every release which would be a decision made by the project maintainers. Test archival which will be discussed later.

Voting on Test

The framework should provide means for users to vote on test through the framework.

  1. Like/Dislike
  2. Test Satisfaction Score (0-100)

Like/Dislike Scoring

Like and Dislike is a pretty simple scoring mechanism where +1 is awarded for Like and -1 for Dislike. The framework can codify this in yaml configuration or maintain a database with scores for each test.

The command line interface could be something like

buildtest vote --id=<test> --choice=like or buildtest vote --id=<test> --choice=dislike. The framework will record the entry based on the git configuration buildtest will need to verify the email is valid otherwise vote will not be accepted. User can change the vote from like to dislike but rerunning same command to like or dislike should not be allowed.

Test Satisfaction Score

In this method a user is requested to score the test from 0-100 and average or median can be take from all results to determine test satisfaction score.

The command line usage could be

buildtest vote --id=<test> --score=67.2

The project maintainer may want to sort the satisfaction score or put a minimal threshold such as 60% for making it to core test library. Similarly any test that falls below threshold can be moved to archival if it was present in core test library.

User can vote on all test in a core or archive and project maintainer will need to decide which method works best.