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Tools to generate MusicXML scores from SymbTr txt and mu2 files.


from musicxmlconverter.symbtr2musicxml import SymbTrScore

txtpath = 'path_to_symbtr_txt_file'
mu2path = 'path_to_symbtr_mu2_file'

# the symbtr-name without the extension, can be omitted if the original
# filename is kept
symbtrname = 'kurdi--turku--sofyan--dalda_cikmis--'

# the related musicbrainz mbid is supplied as a url
mbid_url = ''

# output path
outpath = 'path_to_symbtr_musicxml_output_file'

# instantiate the score object
piece = SymbTrScore(txtpath, mu2path, symbtrname=symbtrname, mbid_url=mbid_url)

# xml conversion; outputs the xml score as string
xmlstr = piece.convertsymbtr2xml()

# you can also save the score to a file after conversion

You can refer to demo.ipynb for an interactive demo.


If you want to install musicxmlconverter, it is recommended to install musicxmlconverter and its dependencies into a virtualenv. In the terminal, do the following:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python install

If you want to be able to edit files and have the changes be reflected, then install musicxmlconverter like this instead:

pip install -e .

Now you can install the rest of the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements


Burak Uyar [email protected]
Sertan Şentürk [email protected]