A brief explainer website for the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) https://calitp.org.
This is a Jekyll static site. We include a Devcontainer configuration to help with local testing and development.
- Open the repository directory in VS Code
to bring up the Command Palette- Enter
to filter the command list - Enter or select
Rebuild and Reopen in Container
to start from scratch - Enter or select
Reopen in Container
to reopen the last devcontainer used
Once inside the devcontainer, you have the manually start the site:
to bring up the Command Palette- Enter
Tasks: Run Task
- Enter or select
Jekyll: Build Dev
The site is running on; check the VS Code Ports tab for the exact port. Auto rebuild/reload will be active and will watch the site files for changes.
Site analytics is tracked by Google Analytics, version 4. Ask an administrator to grant you access.
Content (including graphics, images, video, documents, and text) in this repository is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
The source code in this repository used to format and display the content is licensed under GPL-3.0.