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OpenCTI Operator

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A Juju charm for deploying and managing the OpenCTI open source threat intelligence platform in your systems.

This charm simplifies the configuration and maintenance of OpenCTI system and commonly used OpenCTI connectors across a range of environments, enabling users to collect, correlate, and leverage threat data at strategic, operational and tactical levels.

For information about how to deploy, integrate, and manage this charm, see the Official OpenCTI Charm Documentation.

Get started

In this section, we will deploy the base OpenCTI charm.

You’ll need a workstation, e.g., a laptop, with sufficient resources to launch a virtual machine with 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, and 50 GB disk space.

Set up

You can follow the tutorial here to set up a test environment for Juju.

Deploy databases on the VM model

First, deploy the OpenSearch and RabbitMQ databases on the VM model. However, before deploying the OpenSearch database, we need to configure certain kernel parameters on the host as required by the OpenSearch charm.

sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null <<EOT

sudo sysctl -p

juju model-config --file=./cloudinit-userdata.yaml

Now, deploy the OpenSearch and RabbitMQ database using charms.

juju switch lxd:welcome-lxd

juju deploy self-signed-certificates
juju deploy opensearch --channel 2/stable --num-units 3
juju deploy rabbitmq-server --channel 3.9/stable

juju integrate self-signed-certificates opensearch

Create Juju offers

Next, we will create some offers for cross-model integrations.

juju offer opensearch:opensearch-client opensearch-client
juju offer rabbitmq-server:amqp amqp

Deploy the OpenCTI charm

In the Kubernetes model, deploy the OpenCTI charm along with the rest of dependencies.

juju switch lxd:welcome-microk8s

juju deploy minio --channel ckf-1.9/stable --config access-key=minioadmin --config secret-key=minioadmin
juju deploy s3-integrator --config "endpoint=http://minio-endpoints.welcome-microk8s.svc.cluster.local:9000" --config bucket=opencti
juju deploy redis-k8s --channel latest/edge
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator --trust --revision 109 --channel latest/edge --config path-routes=/ --config service-hostname=opencti.local
juju deploy opencti --channel latest/edge

Configure and integrate

Configure minio to provide a S3 compatible storage for the OpenCTI charm.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
export AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=http://$(juju status --format=json | jq -r '.applications.minio.units."minio/0".address'):9000
aws s3 mb s3://opencti
juju run s3-integrator/0 sync-s3-credentials --string-args access-key=minioadmin secret-key=minioadmin

Integrate the OpenCTI charm with all its dependencies.

juju integrate opencti lxd:admin/welcome-lxd.opensearch-client
juju integrate opencti lxd:admin/welcome-lxd.amqp
juju integrate opencti redis-k8s
juju integrate opencti s3-integrator
juju integrate opencti nginx-ingress-integrator

Create an admin user and access OpenCTI

Create the initial admin user for the OpenCTI deployment and provide it to the OpenCTI charm.

OPENCTI_ADMIN_USER_SECRET_ID=$(juju add-secret opencti-admin-user [email protected] password=test)
juju grant-secret opencti-admin-user opencti
juju config opencti admin-user=$OPENCTI_ADMIN_USER_SECRET_ID

When the OpenCTI charm has completed deployment and installation, you can access OpenCTI from a browser. First, we need to modify the /etc/hosts file to point the opencti.local domain to the IP address of the virtual machine.
After that, we can access the OpenCTI instance in the browser using the address http://opencti.local and the test admin username [email protected] and password test.


The opencti-connector integration integrates the OpenCTI charm and OpenCTI connector charms. OpenCTI connectors are add-ons used by OpenCTI for platform integration with other tools and applications. The OpenCTI connector charms help with the deployment, configuration, and management of OpenCTI connectors.

Existing OpenCTI connector charms can be found here.

Deploy and integrate an OpenCTI connector charm with:

juju deploy opencti-export-file-stix-connector --channel latest/edge
juju integrate opencti opencti-export-file-stix-connector

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