This repository is to track my progress as I read through "Learn OpenGL" by Frahaan Hussain
I will have a branch per chapter to track what the code is as of that chapter, and master will contain the latest code I have written.
- Chapter 01 - Getting set up and opening a window
- Chapter 02 - Drawing shapes and applying textures
- Drawing a triangle
- Abstracting the shaders
- Loading and applying textures to the shape
- Chapter 03 - Transformations, projections, and camera
- Transformations using GLM
- Projections and coordinate systems
- Adding a Camera class to the project
- Chapter 04 - Effects of lighting, materials, and lightmaps
- Adding an object and a light source
- Lighting up objects
- Materials
- Lightmaps
- Chapter 05 - Types of light sources and combining lights
- Directional light
- Point lights
- Spotlight
- Combining light
- Chapter 06 - Implementing a skybox using a cubemap
- Creating shaders for the skybox
- Modifications to the main C++ file
A screenshot of the work done so far: