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For people who are new to developing with fuchsia!

Chapter One: Getting Ready

You will need the following:

  • A desktop or laptop running Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04 or MacOS (for best experience and easiness)
  • A fast internet connection (preferably ethernet)
  • Patience

Chapter Two: Fetching Fuchsia

Firstly you will need to get the dependencies to be able to fetch and build fuchsia.

for debian based systems:

sudo apt install build-essential curl git python unzip

for MacOS based system:

xcode-select --install

And also install ccache for faster build times. (it really helps, trust me)

sudo apt install ccache

Now it's time to get fetching! cd into the directory where you want your fuchsia build, if your unsure where to put it, your home directory should do nicely. And with that we shall start fetching!

curl -s "" | base64 --decode | bash

If you didn't get any errors, congrats! Skip straight to chapter 3. If you got the cipd package error then click the link in your terminal and login with your google account and re-fetch (jiri update). It will only take a tick since you've already got the source.

Chapter 2.5: Problems with fetching

Sometimes it doesn't go so smoothly... but thats okay! We'll get that sorted in a tick.

Jiri hooks fail

eg: ERROR: "running hook(garnet-update) for project fuchsia" failed 3 times in a row, Last error: context deadline exceeded

This happens when it takes too long to fetch a certain project that fuchsia needs (each project is given an amount of time to fetch) I'd recommend using ethernet to download the source or get closer to your wifi.

Chapter 3: Lets Build

First off we need to set the build config...

fx set core/workstation/bringup.x64/arm64 --ccache

eg: fx set core.x64

if you want to see the different configs you can build you can run these two commands

fx list-boards
fx list-products

Some other useful information:

  • Worstation: Best for graphics and tinkering (if your unsure which one to use, use this one)
  • Core: Best for command line hackery
  • Bringup: Used for early development of porting devices`

Now once you've chosen your configuration it's time to actually build.

fx build

Once it's done... it's time to test your build out.

Chapter 4: Testing the build

The way we're going to test this build is with AEMU, which is an Android Emulator artifact that can run fushsia + graphics without actually paving it. Firt off make sure you have the Vulkan driver installed, you can find out how to install it here: (read carefully).

make sure it's working with sudo apt install vulkan-utils && vulkaninfo

and finnaly lauch aemu with fx emu. You can also add --host-gpu to use accelerated graphics.

Chapter 5: Paving

If you have a supported device such as the pixelbook. You can pave fuchsia to your device, although you can pave on many other unsupported deivces, not everything will be supported such as your spicific ethernet.

To make a bootable usb, you will need to use the mkzedboot command.

fx mkzedboot /dev/sdx (replace sdx with your actual usb)

When it's done, put the USB into the device you want to pave. Once it's booted you should see a "ZEDBOOT" ASCII art. Go to a new shell (press "tab" to switch shells) and get the device ready to install fuchsia.

install-disk-image init-partition-tables --block_device_path <BLOCK_DEVICE_PATH

To find out what your hard drives "BLOCK_DEVICE_PATH" is, use the lsblk command.

Now it's time to listen carefully, plug an ethernet cable into your host (the device where the build is) and the other side will go into the target device (don't put it into your router). Now you will need to run the pave command to start uploading files to your device.

fx pave

This will start the boot server and connects to the target device, then it uploads the fuchsia image and paves the device.


For people who are new to developing with fuchsia!






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