released this
26 Feb 23:26
[changed] Memoize uploaders and uploader_options (Derek Parker and Joshua Davey from Hashrocket)
[changed] Don't force pad background color to white in resize_and_pad
(@fnordfish )
[changed] Remove auth access information when parsing URL for filename (@nddeluca )
[changed] Read Content type from cached and uploaded file, adds mime-types as hard dependency
[added] Added authenticated_url functionality for Openstack storage (@snoopie )
[added] Add Polish I18n translations for errors (@ArturT )
[added] Add Greek locale for error messages (@agorf )
[added] Add French locale for error messages (@gdurelle )
[added] Add Japanese locale for error messages (@tomodian )
[added] Add Norwegian locale for error messages (@theodorton )
[added] Add Portuguese locale for error messages (@pedrosmmoreira )
[fixed] Overridden serializable_hash accepts an options hash (@bensie )
[fixed] Fog connection object performance issues (@taavo )
[fixed] Delete Tempfile after manipulate with MiniMagick (@dimko )
[fixed] Ensure #remove_#{column} and #remove_#{column} return false after committing with ActiveRecord (@bensie )
[fixed] Fix issue with content-disposition existing with no filename when downloading, reports that Google does this (@hasghari / @bensie / @taavo )
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