Django applications that manage data submitted by the campus community.
project requires a logs directory in the djforms directory, writeable by webserver.
cd djforms mkdir logs touch logs/debug.log chmod 666 logs/debug.log
Required third party packages:
See requirements.txt
TrustCommerce python library:
with your python venv sources:
cd /data1/source/tclink-4.2.0-python python install
the above directory has the patch applied. future 5.4.x might have it fixed.
Apps list for Migrations
admin, admindocs, admissions, admitted, auth, bootstrapform, captcha, catering, characterquest, choral, classnotes, committee_letter, conference, contenttypes, copyprint, core, django_countries, djtools, genomics, giving, green, honeypot, humanize, imagekit, languages, lis, memory, metamorphosis, printrequest, processors, proposal, registration, scholars, security, sites, soccer, summer_camp, taggit, userprofile, visitdays, writingcurriculum