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jschroed91 committed Mar 12, 2016
1 parent a348aa3 commit 95dbb29
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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

## Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and

## Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting

## Our Responsibilities

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

## Enforcement

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at [email protected]. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.

## Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [][version]

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First of all, **thank you** for contributing, **you are awesome**!

Here are a few rules to follow in order to ease code reviews, and discussions before
maintainers accept and merge your work.

You MUST follow the [PSR-1]( and
[PSR-2]( If you don't know about any of them, you
should really read the recommendations. Can't wait? Use the [PHP-CS-Fixer

You MUST run the test suite.

You MUST write (or update) unit tests.

You SHOULD write documentation.

Please, write [commit messages that make
and [rebase your branch](
before submitting your Pull Request.

One may ask you to [squash your
too. This is used to "clean" your Pull Request before merging it (we don't want
commits such as `fix tests`, `fix 2`, `fix 3`, etc.).

Also, while creating your Pull Request on GitHub, you MUST write a description
which gives the context and/or explains why you are creating it.

Thank you!
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[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](
[![Build Status](](
[![Code Coverage](](
[![Average time to resolve an issue](]( "Average time to resolve an issue")
[![Percentage of issues still open](]( "Percentage of issues still open")

*A library for comparing two HTML files/snippets and highlighting the differences using simple HTML.*

This HTML Diff implementation is a PHP port of the ruby implementation found at

This is also available in C# at
[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](][badge_score]
[![Build Status](][badge_status]
[![Code Coverage](][badge_coverage]
[![Average time to resolve an issue](][badge_resolve]
[![Percentage of issues still open](][badge_issues]

php-htmldiff is available under [GNU General Public License, version 2] (
php-htmldiff is a library for comparing two HTML files/snippets and highlighting the differences using simple HTML.

Differences from rashid2538/php-htmldiff
## Code Styling and Clean-up
* Added namespaces, split up classes to their own files, some code styling changes
This HTML Diff implementation was forked from [rashid2538/php-htmldiff][upstream] and has been modified with new features,
bug fixes, and enhancements to the original code.

## Enhancements
* Allow the specialCaseOpeningTags and specialCaseClosingTags properties to be modified by passing an array into the constructor or using set/add/remove functions
* Updated the demo to accept input and diff via AJAX
* Added static properties for the default config variables
For more information on these modifications, read the [differences from rashid2538/php-htmldiff][differences] or view the [CHANGELOG][changelog].

## Bug Fixes
* Fixed an index out of range bug (may have been fixed on the original repo since):
* Check for empty oldText or newText before processing del or ins in processReplaceOperation function
## Installation

## New Features
#### Isolated Diffing of certain HTML elements
This is the one of the largest changes from the original repository.
The recommended way to install php-htmldiff is through [Composer][composer].
Require the [caxy/php-htmldiff][badge_packagist] package by running following command:

See the release notes for tag 0.0.6 for more information:
composer require caxy/php-htmldiff

#### List Diffing
This is the latest new feature (as of last week-ish), and may need some tweaks still. It is similar to the Isolated Diffing feature, but specifically for HTML lists.
This will resolve the latest stable version.

More information is to come on this, and there will definitely be some tweaks and configuration options added for this feature. Currently there is no easy way to enable/disable the feature, so if you're having issues with it I suggest using the 0.0.6 or earlier release.
Otherwise, install the library and setup the autoloader yourself.

#### New option to group together diffed words by not matching on whitespace-only. Option is enabled by default.
This was a specific requirement for an application we use this library for. The original library would replace single words at a time, but enabling this feature will group replacements instead. See example below.
### Working with Symfony

Old Text
> testing some text here and there
If you are using Symfony, you can use the [caxy/HtmlDiffBundle][htmldiffbundle] to make life easy!

New Text
> testing other words here and there
## Usage

With $groupDiffs = false (original functionality)
> testing <del>some</del><ins>other</ins> <del>text</del><ins>words</ins> here and there

With $groupDiffs = true (new feature)
> testing <del>some text</del><ins>other words</ins> here and there
use Caxy\HtmlDiff\HtmlDiff;

#### Change diffing to strike through entire words/numbers if they contain periods or commas within the word
This change introduced a new property `$specialCaseChars`, which defaults to the following characters: `.` `,` `(` `)` `'`
$htmlDiff = new HtmlDiff($oldHtml, $newHtml);
$content = $htmlDiff->build();

This feature can be "disabled" by simply setting the $specialCaseChars to an empty array i.e. `$diff->setSpecialCaseChars(array())`
## Configuration

In the original library, special characters are treated as their own "words" even if they are in the middle of a word. This causes weird things to happen when diffing numbers that have a comma or a period in the middle of the number.

For example, diffing `10,000.50` against `11,100.75` gives you:
## Contributing

Original Functionality:
> <del class="diffmod">10</del><ins class="diffmod">11</ins>,<del class="diffmod">000</del><ins class="diffmod">100</ins>.<del class="diffmod">50</del><ins class="diffmod">75</ins>
See [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] file.

This is very difficult to read, so the new feature allows you to add `.` and `,` to the $specialCaseChars array in order to get output that looks like:
> <del class="diffmod">10,000.50</del><ins class="diffmod">11,100.75</ins>
## Contributor Code of Conduct

Note: It will *not* treat the specialCaseChars as part of the word if it is at the beginning or end of the word, so normal periods or commas at the end of words will still be diffed like the original.
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct][contributor_covenant]. By participating in this project
you agree to abide by its terms. See [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct] file.

#### Added option to insert a space between `<del>` and `<ins>` tags. Disabled by default.
This was a requirement for one our applications that uses this library.
## Credits

New property `$insertSpaceInReplace` was added, and setting it to true will simply add a space between the `<del>` and `<ins>` tags in replace operations, which was requested for easier reading.
* [rashid2538][] for the port to PHP and the base for our project: [rashid2538/php-htmldiff][upstream]
* [willdurand][] for an excellent post on [open sourcing libraries][].
Much of this documentation is based off of the examples in the post.

Enable it by calling `$diff->setInsertSpaceInReplace(true);`
Did we miss anyone? If we did, let us know or put in a pull request!

Original Functionality
> <del>Old</del><ins>New</ins>
## License

New Functionality
> <del>Old</del> <ins>New</ins>
php-htmldiff is available under [GNU General Public License, version 2][gnu]. See the [LICENSE][license] file for details.

## Upcoming Features (someday)
* Table Diffing (similar to the list diffing updates) - this feature was started a while back, but put on hold.
[badge_resolve]: "Average time to resolve an issue"
[badge_issues]: "Percentage of issues still open"
[open sourcing libraries]:
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions doc/differences.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Differences from rashid2538/php-htmldiff

.. contents:: Table of Contents

Code Styling and Clean-up

* Added namespaces, split up classes to their own files, some code styling changes


* Allow the specialCaseOpeningTags and specialCaseClosingTags properties to be modified by passing an array into the constructor or using set/add/remove functions
* Updated the demo to accept input and diff via AJAX
* Added static properties for the default config variables

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an index out of range bug (may have been fixed on the original repo since): c9ba1fa_
* Check for empty oldText or newText before processing del or ins in processReplaceOperation function

New Features

Isolated Diffing of certain HTML elements

This is the one of the largest changes from the original repository.

For more information, see the release notes for tag `0.0.6`_

List Diffing

Similar to the Isolated Diffing feature, but specifically for HTML lists.

More information is to come on this, and there will definitely be some tweaks and configuration options added for this
feature. Currently there is no easy way to enable/disable the feature, so if you're having issues with it I suggest
using the `0.0.6`_ or earlier release.

Table Diffing

Similar to the Isolated Diffing and List Diffing features, but specifically for HTML tables.

More information to come on this soon.

New option to group together diffed words by not matching on whitespace-only. Option is enabled by default.

This was a specific requirement for an application we use this library for. The original library would replace
single words at a time, but enabling this feature will group replacements instead. See example below.

Old Text::

testing some text here and there

New Text::

testing other words here and there

With $groupDiffs = false (original functionality)::

testing <del>some</del><ins>other</ins> <del>text</del><ins>words</ins> here and there

With $groupDiffs = true (new feature)::

testing <del>some text</del><ins>other words</ins> here and there

Change diffing to strike through entire words/numbers if they contain periods or commas within the word

This change introduced a new property ``$specialCaseChars``, which defaults to the following characters: ``.`` ``,`` ``(`` ``)`` ``'``

This feature can be "disabled" by simply setting the $specialCaseChars to an empty array i.e. ``$diff->setSpecialCaseChars(array())``

In the original library, special characters are treated as their own "words" even if they are in the middle of a word.
This causes weird things to happen when diffing numbers that have a comma or a period in the middle of the number.

For example, diffing ``10,000.50`` against ``11,100.75`` gives you:

Original Functionality::

<del class="diffmod">10</del><ins class="diffmod">11</ins>,<del class="diffmod">000</del><ins class="diffmod">100</ins>.<del class="diffmod">50</del><ins class="diffmod">75</ins>

This is very difficult to read, so the new feature allows you to add ``.`` and ``,`` to the ``$specialCaseChars`` array in order
to get output that looks like::

<del class="diffmod">10,000.50</del><ins class="diffmod">11,100.75</ins>

Note: It will *not* treat the specialCaseChars as part of the word if it is at the beginning or end of the word,
so normal periods or commas at the end of words will still be diffed like the original.

Added option to insert a space between ``<del>`` and ``<ins>`` tags. Disabled by default.

This was a requirement for one our applications that uses this library.

New property ``$insertSpaceInReplace`` was added, and setting it to true will simply add a space between
the ``<del>`` and ``<ins>`` tags in replace operations, which was requested for easier reading.

Enable it by calling ``$diff->setInsertSpaceInReplace(true);``

Original Functionality::


New Functionality::

<del>Old</del> <ins>New</ins>

.. _c9ba1fa:
.. _0.0.6:

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