This library provides ReScript bindings for HeadlessUI React components.
npm install rescript-headlessui
Add it to bs-dependencies
in your rescript.json
"bs-dependencies": ["rescript-headlessui"]
To use ReactDOM.domProps
in all components, it was necessary to remove collisions. This was achieved by maintaining a custom list of props that excludes most of the fields defined by HeadlessUI.
The only exception is for components with event handlers or names resembling event handlers (e.g., onChange
). Instead of removing these properties globally, they were overridden in the specific modules where they are used. For example, <Combobox.Input onChange={...} />
should be written as <Combobox.Input onChangeHeadless={...} />
, with the function defined as @as("onChange") onChangeHeadless?: ReactEvent.Form.t => unit
If you need one of the properties listed below, please wrap the component in a native element.
{disabled, value, defaultValue, by, multiple, name, form, children, as_, type, checked, defaultChecked, order, role, autoFocus, open_}
Many of the HeadlessUI bindings allow union types, which can be challenging to represent in ReScript. When the allowed values were well-defined, they were converted into variants:
// <Dialog role=#dialog ... />
role?: @string
| #dialog
| #alertdialog
// <Button type=#submit ... />
type_?: @string
| #button
| #submit
| #reset
For cases where the allowed values were not explicitly defined, inferred types were used and are configured at compile time:
// Common props on every component
type common<'as_> = {
@as("as") as_?: 'as_
The inferred type is applied wherever "T" appears in the HeadlessUI documentation. This approach works well when used correctly but will result in errors if an unsupported value is provided to HeadlessUI.
An exception was made when defining by?: ('value, 'value) => bool
instead of by?: 'by
or by?: string
to enforce a modicum of type safety.
There was an undocumented tooltip component in the HeadlessUI package that is also bound here. It is untested and should be used accordingly.
module Tooltip = {
type tooltipProps<'as_> = {
showDelayMs?: int,
hideDelay?: int,
children?: React.element,
@module("@headlessui/react") @react.component(: tooltipProps<'as_>)
external make: unit => React.element = "Tooltip"
module Trigger = {
type triggerState = {
focus: bool,
hover: bool,
autoFocus: bool,
type triggerProps<'as_> = {
disabled?: bool,
autoFocus?: bool,
children?: React.component<triggerState>,
@module("@headlessui/react") @react.component(: triggerProps<'as_>)
external make: unit => React.element = "TooltipTrigger"
module Panel = {
type panelProps<'as_, 'anchor> = {
anchor?: 'anchor,
static?: bool,
unmount?: bool,
children?: React.element,
@module("@headlessui/react") @react.component(: panelProps<'as_, 'anchor>)
external make: unit => React.element = "TooltipPanel"