Locker is paper plugin with additional api to allow developers an easier control over player names and especially their possible disguises. Locker offers developers the ability to easily change the whole appearance of a player to another player (group). Thereby, the uuid, the name as well as the skin can be freely changed by modifying the clientbound packets, which provides the most flexibility.
2.1 Explanation
2.2 Setup
2.3 Update Look
2.4 Components
Locker works as a standalone plugin and offers every plugin additionally an api. Because of that, in order for Locker to work you must include the locker.jar of the current release in your plugins directory.
If you want to add the locker api
or the locker components
to your plugin,
you must first add following repository to your build file:
maven {
url ''
Afterwards you can add the api
and if you wish the additional components
compileOnly ''
// Optionally components
implementation ''
<!-- Optionally components -->
First, to make things a little clearer: Every player has a Look
based upon
a set of outfits. An Outfit
describes the actual name and skin other players
may see later on. However, the Look
decides which player should see which Outfit
For example, a staff member can have a Look based upon two Outfits: One Outfit
displaying the real staff member and one disguised Outfit
for every normal player,
who shouldn't be able to see the actual staff member.
The api
module provides the bare-minimum to build a plugin on Locker. However,
basic or repetitive components like a SingleLook
(A Look
, which only shows one Outfit
already exists in the components
module, so maybe you should take a look there
before you start coding your own version.
Note: The whole project depends on Guice. So if you don't use or know that already, you should check out that before.
You access Locker
from Bukkit's ServiceManager:
var locker = Bukkit.getServicesManager().load(Locker.class);
Alternatively you can use the LockerProvider
in the components
In order for Locker to work, you must register a LookFactory
, which handles
the creation of a Look for every player. You can add a LookFactory via Locker
var locker = injector.getInstance(Locker.class)
var yourFactory = injector.getInstance(LookFactory.class);
If you just want to use the original player's outfits, you can use the OriginalLookFactory
from the components
If you want to access the original Outfit of a player, you can use Outfit#fromPlayer
If you want to update the Look of a player, you can also use the Locker
var locker = injector.getInstance(Locker.class);
locker.updateLock(player.getUniqueId(), factory.createNewLook(player));
You can see a Look-update in the examples
module in the context of
Here you can see already existing components:
A Provider
for the Locker
object. You can use it in your Guice module for example:
protected void configure() {
This is a Look
consisting of two Outfits, one original and one nicked. Furthermore,
you have a bypass permission to decide which player should see the original or the nicked
private static final bypassPermission = "user.nick";
var original = Outfit.fromPlayer(player);
var nicked = factory.createNickedOutfit(player);
var look = NickedLook.with(bypassPermission, original, nicked);
This LookFactory
simply returns a SingleLook with the player's original
The PermissionFilteredLook
is a Look
consisting of a Map with Outfits and their
according view-permission. This Look decides which Outfit a player should see based on
the receiver's permission. I.e., you pass a LinkedHashMap<String, Outfit> outfits
with a permission for each outfit.
On top of that, you pass an UnknownPolicy
, which decides which Outfit should be selected,
if not other Outfit could be found. You can decide between three options:
- Throw
- Last
- Explicit
Throw: When choosing Throw
, an exception is thrown if no suitable Outfit could be found
Last: When choosing Last
, the last Outfit in the outfits
Map is used
Explicit: When choosing Explicit
, you pass an additional, explicit Outfit
as a
fallback outfit.
var look = PermissionFilteredLook.newBuilder()
.addLook("vip", vipOutfit)
This is a simple Look
, which only consists of one Outfit
, which will be returned