This is an simple django application which uses javascript AJAX requests to pull content from elaticsearch and display it on the page. The navigation is handled by this application but any download links won't work without pydap being configured alongside.
Clone the repository
git clone
Set up a python3 virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virutualenv
. venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install -r archive_browser/requirements.txt
Make sure you have your python 3 environment active then run:
python runserver
The site can then be accessed on http://localhost:8000
Create a directory to put project into
Enter directory and clone repository
git clone
Copy vagrant file to outer directory
cp archive_browser/Vagrantfile .
Initialise machine
vagrant up
Activate environment and runserver
vagrant ssh
cd vagrant_data
. archive_venv/bin/activate
python runserver
The site can then be accessed on http://localhost:8080