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Data Availability Equivalence Service

A gRPC service acting as a "cryptographic adapter" providing proofs that data (a blob) exists on Celestia that are efficiently verifiable on EVM networks. A Namespace Merkle Tree (NMT) proof is transformed via a Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) into a keccak hash check.

A few key features:

  • On each request, a status is returned. Internally the service will dive each request to success or failure.
    • If a retryable failure is encountered, a subsequent request will attempt the job again.
    • It is normal and safe behavior to regularly repeat the same request for status updates and retries.
  • The service eagerly caches work as it's completed, returning those results rather than redoing work.

Jump to a section:

  • Send requests this service: Interact
  • Spin up an instance of the service: Operate
  • Build & troubleshoot: Develop


To interact with the service, clients can use any gRPC client that supports protobuf messages.

The endpoint reports back a status, error, or success of a Job linked to identical request fields. Repeated requests will yield status updates and eventually a finalized proof or error status.

Here is an example using the grpcurl CLI tool:

# Acquire the proto
curl --output eqservice.proto

# Local or remote instance of the eq-service
export EQ_SOCKET=""
# Where to find the proto file
export EQ_PROTO_DIR="."

# Example
# Fetching the Keccak inclusion proof for a specific Celestia commitment, namespace, and height
grpcurl -import-path $EQ_PROTO_DIR -proto eqservice.proto \
  -d '{height": <block height (integer)>", "namespace": "<your_namespace_hex>", commitment": "<your_commitment_hex>"}'
  -plaintext $EQ_SOCKET eqs.Inclusion.GetKeccakInclusion

# Working examples using Celestia's mocha network

grpcurl -import-path $EQ_PROTO_DIR -proto eqservice.proto \
  -d '{"height": 4214864, "namespace": "3q2+796tvu8=", "commitment":"YcARQRj9KE/7sSXd4090FAONKkPz9ajYKIZq8liv3A0="}' \
  -plaintext $EQ_SOCKET eqs.Inclusion.GetKeccakInclusion

grpcurl -import-path $EQ_PROTO_DIR -proto eqservice.proto \
  -d '{"height": 4409088, "namespace": "XSUTEfJbE6VJ4A==", "commitment":"DYoAZpU7FrviV7Ui/AjQv0BpxCwexPWaOW/hQVpEl/s="}' \
  -plaintext $EQ_SOCKET eqs.Inclusion.GetKeccakInclusion

grpcurl -import-path $EQ_PROTO_DIR -proto eqservice.proto \
  -d '{"height": 4499000, "namespace": "EV1P7ciRW7PodQ==", "commitment":"mV9udfLnkNqmG/3khk2/gH0wLPx/6RinVDCTV77X3Xw="}' \
  -plaintext $EQ_SOCKET eqs.Inclusion.GetKeccakInclusion

grpcurl -import-path $EQ_PROTO_DIR -proto eqservice.proto \
  -d '{"height": 4499999, "namespace": "Ucwac9Zflfa95g==", "commitment":"S2iIifIPdAjQ33KPeyfAga26FSF3IL11WsCGtJKSOTA="}' \
  -plaintext $EQ_SOCKET eqs.Inclusion.GetKeccakInclusion


Required and optional settings are best configured via a .env file. See example.env for configurable items.

cp example.env .env

# edit .env

source .env
  1. A machine to run with a minimum of:

    • 2 threads
    • 2GB RAM
    • Ports accessible (by default):
      • service listening at 50051
      • Light client (local or remote) over 26658
      • Succinct prover network over 443
    • NOTE: These requirements may be significantly more to respond under heavy load, please report if you have issues!
  2. A whitelisted key in your env for use with the Succinct prover network Key - requested here.

  3. A Celestia Light Node installed & running accessible on localhost, or elsewhere. Alternatively, use an RPC provider you trust.


First, some tooling is required:

  1. Rust & Cargo - install instructions
  2. Succinct's SP1 zkVM Toolchain - install instructions
  3. Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) compiler - official examples contain install instructions
  4. (Optional) Just - a modern alternative to make installed


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
    cd eq-service
  2. Choose a Celestia Node

    • See the How-to-guides on nodes to run one yourself, or choose a provider & set in env.
    • NOTE: You must have the node synced back to the oldest possible height you may encounter in calling this service for it to fulfill that request.
  3. Configure required env variables

  4. Build and run the service

    # NOT optimized, default includes debug logs printed
    just run-debug
    # Optimized build, to test realistic performance w/ INFO logs
    just run-release

There are many other helper scripts exposed in the justfile, get a list with:

# Print just recipes


flowchart TB
    user@{ shape: circle, label: "End User" } ==>|POST Request Eq. Proof| jobs
    zkep@{ shape: doc, label: "zkVM Equivalence Program" } --> zkc

    subgraph eq ["`**Equivalence Service**`"]
        nmtp@{ shape: lean-r, label: "NMT Proofs" }
        zkp@{ shape: lean-r, label: "ZK Proofs" }
        lc[Celestia Light Client] --> nmtp --> jobs
        nmtp --> zkc
        zkc[ZK Proof Generation Client] --> zkp --> jobs
        jobs[Jobs Que & Results Cache] <--> sled
        sled[(Sled DB)]

    lc --->|GET NMT Inclusion| cel{Celestia}

    zkc --->|POST Proof Generation| pn{ZK Prover Network}
    style zkep fill:#66f
    style jobs fill:#888

The service interacts with a Celestia Data Availability (DA) Node to:

  • Fetch blob data.
  • Get headers.
  • Retrieve Merkle tree proofs for blobs.

The service uses Succinct's prover network as a provider to generate Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) of data existing on Celestia. See the ZKP program for details on what is proven.




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