Generates a protobuf file from your database.
Generates a protobuf file from your database
sql2pb gen [flags]
--db_type string the database type. mysql | postgres (default "mysql")
--dbname string the database name
--field_style string gen protobuf field style. sql_pb | sqlPb (default "sql_pb")
--go_package string the protocol buffer go_package. defaults to the database schema.
-h, --help help for gen
--host string the database host (default "localhost")
--ignore_columns strings a comma spaced list of mysql columns to ignore
--ignore_tables strings a comma spaced list of tables to ignore
--package string the protocol buffer package. defaults to the database schema.
--password string the database password
--port int the database port (default 3306)
--schema string the database schema
--service_name string the protocol buffer package. defaults to the database schema.
--table string the table schema. multiple tables ',' split.
--user string the database user (default "root")
sql2pb gen --host= --port=3306 --dbname=root --user=root --password=123456 --service_name=User --db_type=mysql --table=sys_user --go_package=./pb --package=user
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "./pb";
package user;
// ------------------------------------
// Messages
// ------------------------------------
message SysUser {
int64 id = 1; // ID
string username = 2; // 用户名
string password = 3; // 密码
int64 create_at = 4; // 创建时间
int64 update_at = 5; // 修改时间
int64 delete_at = 6; // 删除时间
message SysUserFilter {
optional int64 id = 1; // ID
optional string username = 2; // 用户名
optional string password = 3; // 密码
optional int64 create_at = 4; // 创建时间
optional int64 update_at = 5; // 修改时间
optional int64 delete_at = 6; // 删除时间
message AddSysUserReq {
string username = 1; // 用户名
string password = 2; // 密码
message AddSysUserResp {
message UpdateSysUserReq {
optional int64 id = 1; // ID
optional string username = 2; // 用户名
optional string password = 3; // 密码
message UpdateSysUserResp {
message DelSysUserReq {
int64 id = 1; // id
message DelSysUserResp {
message SelectSysUserByIdReq {
int64 id = 1; // id
message SelectSysUserByIdResp {
SysUser sys_user = 1; // sys_user
message SelectSysUserListReq {
int64 page = 1; // 页码
int64 page_size = 2; // 每页数量
optional SysUserFilter filter = 3; // SysUserFilter
message SelectSysUserListResp {
int64 count = 1; // 总数
int64 page_count = 2; // 页码总数
repeated SysUser results = 3; // sys_user
// ------------------------------------
// Rpc Func
// ------------------------------------
service User {
// 创建用户
rpc InsertSysUser (AddSysUserReq) returns (AddSysUserResp);
// 更新用户
rpc UpdateSysUser (UpdateSysUserReq) returns (UpdateSysUserResp);
// 根据 用户 id 删除
rpc DeleteSysUser (DelSysUserReq) returns (DelSysUserResp);
// 根据 用户 id 获取详情
rpc SelectSysUserById (SelectSysUserByIdReq) returns (SelectSysUserByIdResp);
// 用户 列表
rpc SelectSysUserList (SelectSysUserListReq) returns (SelectSysUserListResp);