TheOnePercent is an on-chain elimination-based game where players compete by selecting sides (heads or tails). The game is designed to be a high-stakes battle of decision-making, where the majority is eliminated after every round until only one or two players remain. The final winner(s) take home the prize pool, minus a percentage fee collected by the contract owner.
This game is designed to be fair, transparent, and fully decentralized, running on smart contracts deployed via Foundry. The frontend is built using React with Vite and TypeScript, ensuring a smooth and interactive experience.
I'll be using a pool of 10 players for all instances. If you see the word 'pool' it means a pool of 10 players
- A player joins a pool of 3 or multiple players by staking a predefined amount set by the contract owner (only onwer can create main pools).
- Once a pool is full (10 players have joined), the game begins automatically.
- Users can also create private where they have control over the stake amount and pool size.
- Each player chooses either heads or tails.
- The majority group is eliminated from the game after every round.
- The minority group advances to the next round.
- If there is a tie for a pool of 10 players (5 players choose heads and 5 choose tails), another round is played.
- A pool of 10 players can have Maximum of 3 rounds per pool (because the maximum possible split is 5-5 → 3-2 → 2-1).
- If a single player remains before 3 rounds (e.g., 9 pick heads and 1 picks tails in Round 1), that player wins the entire staked amount.
- If two players remain at the end of 3 rounds, they split the total staked amount equally.
- The contract deducts a percentage fee from every closed pool (this fee goes to the contract owner).
- Only the contract owner can create new pools.
- Pools must be initialized with a staking amount, a maximum player limit (10), and a fee percentage.
- Players can only join active pools (not yet full or completed).
- Solidity (Developed using Foundry for testing and deployment)
- OpenZeppelin Libraries (for security, access control, and utility functions)
- Custom Libraries (Errors, Events)
- Remappings (to efficiently manage dependencies and imports)
- Vite + React + TypeScript (for performance and maintainability)
- Node Modules (Package management)
- WAGMI & Ethers.js (for interacting with the smart contract)
- RainbowKit (for wallet connection UI)
- Framer Motion (for animations and UI interactions)
- Lucide React (for icons and graphical elements)
- Toastify (for displaying notifications)
- TailwindCSS (for styling)
- dotenv (for managing environment variables)
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd frontend npm install
forge install
forge build
forge test
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
function joinPool(uint256 poolId, bool choice) external payable;
- Players call this function to join an active pool.
- They must stake the required amount to participate.
- The choice (true for heads, false for tails) must be submitted.
function createPool(uint256 stakeAmount, uint256 feePercentage) external onlyOwner;
- The contract owner can create a new game pool with a specific staking amount.
- The fee percentage is set at pool creation.
function getActivePools() external view returns (Pool[] memory);
- Fetches all ongoing pools that are not full or completed.
function claimWinnings(uint256 poolId) external;
- Winners call this function to withdraw their share of the pool.
- Ensures funds are transferred securely to the winner(s).
- Reentrancy Protection: Uses OpenZeppelin’s
to prevent attacks. - Access Control: Only the owner can create pools.
- Fair Randomization: The game logic ensures fairness by eliminating the majority group, preventing exploits.
- Gas Optimization: Uses efficient data structures and batch processing to reduce unnecessary computations.
- Automated Tests: Comprehensive unit tests using Foundry to validate contract functionality.
- NFT Rewards: Implement NFT prizes for winners.
- Leaderboard System: Track player performance and earnings.
- Referral System: Reward users for inviting new players.
- More Pool Sizes: Expand beyond 10-player pools for diverse gameplay.
We welcome community contributions! Feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or suggestions for improving TheOnePercent.