This is a plugin for the Open Source Web Analytics platform Piwik. If enabled, it will add a new widget that you can add to your dashboard and a new link in the top navigation.
The widget will show the performance index of a site that auto-refreshes every 30 seconds. It shows the number of visitors or visit time in a 30 minute period compared to the maximum number of visitors in any 30 minute period of the last 30 days.
This plugin is inspired by the piwik barometer plugin and uses a lightly modified jQuery-Dynameter (original by Tzechiu Lei.
This plugin should run fine with installations with up to 100.000 page impressions per day. If you run a very large piwik installation and have performance issues with this plugin, please contact me - there is a solution for this. I have it up and running in an installation with more than 5 million visits per day.
(Tested with piwik 2.7.0, but supposed to run with older versions)
Install it via Piwik Marketplace OR install manually:
Clone the plugin into the plugins directory of your Piwik installation.
cd plugins/ git clone PerformanceMonitor
Login as superuser into your Piwik installation and activate the plugin under Settings -> Plugins
You will now find the widget under the Live! section.
(optional) When you update: As there have been made several changes in v0.2.0 you might have to clear your cache (console core:clear-caches)
(optional) When you run a very large piwik installation please add the following index:
ALTER TABLE piwik_log_visit ADD UNIQUE ( visit_first_action_time );
###Features Here is a list of features that are included in this project:
- Live widget ("Performance Monitor") with key performance indices
- Add an item to the top navigation ("Performance overview") which displays the performance monitor widget for all your sites (configurable).
###Configuration Refresh interval: Defines how often the widgets will be updated. Every 30 seconds is a good value to choose.
Measurement period: Defines the measurement period in minutes. 5 minutes is a good value to choose.
Comparison period: Defines the period (x * 24h) the last 30 minutes are compared to. A good value for small sites with more or less static content is 30. For sites with peak days on weekends for example 1 will be a good value. 1 is also a good value for very big sites with a lot of traffic. You will have to play around with this value a little bit and figure out whalt will fit your needs.
Sites in overview: Defines which sites are displayed in the overview.
- changed SQL from
(be sure to add the index i mentioned in installation description if you run a very large piwik installation)
- fixed bug with timezones that match /^UTC[+-]*/
- reengineering of scheduled task
- fixed bug in scheduled task
- fixed an installation bug
- made the plugin configurable by settings
- added more key performance indices
- performance overview now links to the dashboards
- fixed the timezone bug (configure timezone for each site properly)
- fixed several minor bugs
- initial release
GPL v3 or later
- Please direct any feedback to [email protected]
If you are interested in contributing to this plugin, feel free to send pull requests!