Built at Google's Security Hackathon February 7-8, 2014. This app is live at boola.charlieproctor.com. We were tasked with creating an app to teach users about the dangers of opening attachments from their email.
In our game, entitled CyberGuard: WWIII Edition, Players are FBI agents tasked with reading people's emails and determining whether the attachments are safe for download. If players correctly determine whether the email should be downloaded they advance a level. If they accidentally download a malicious email, they lose, and otherwise they regress a level.
The game is styled after Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. After the successful completion of 12 levels, players have "won" a million dollars. There is a game clock and a running competition for the faster person to complete the game (win a million dollars). As such, there is a user system and a leaderboard.
The game is built on a PHP, MySql backend and a JavaScript, CSS, HTML frontend.