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Presentation Dec 2017

Charles ⚡ edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Early presentation on this project


A place to write. ✍️

So the idea here was simple build a simple markdown writing application. Markdown is a huge deal and all the cool tools kept getting shut down and naively, I thought, how hard can this really be? 🤔

So I've had poorly designed iterations of this thing for every year, on the year as one of these services got shut down. When Canvas shut down this last year, I started to get a little more serious about this idea. 💡 ⚡

During planning out some of my quarterly goals at my last job I decided to go a little more full-stack with Node and start to really work through the process of building a microservice.

Since I'm never really one to learning languages and frameworks in the abstract, I decided to take up Downwrite as an excuse to build those microservices.

Why Markdown

Markdown is probably the most efficient and universal tool for conveying syntax, semantics and structure across platforms.

Originally coined by John Gruber (Daring Fireball) it was originally conceived as a text to HTML and is the staple of static site generators, OSS as well as a fair amount of comment sections, notetaking applications or any documentation tool.

These shortcuts are almost as ubiquitous as cmd + b for bold or cmd + i for italics.

Even this presentation was written in markdown.

Bottomline: markdown is data. It is a method for describing semantics of data and is data itself.

Tech Overview

Computer problems

Micro Services

  • Auth - using JWT and stateless authentication pattern 🔏
  • Post Endpoints (Entries) - GET PUT POST DELETE for entries 🌐
  • Export Service - markdown or json 📩


Client-side application was built with yarn and create-react-app ⚛️ and never ejected. ✨


The URL is the state. 🗺️ This idea from Ember.js 🐹 being a URL driven being what drives application state.

  • / dashboard view or login
  • /new a create a new post route
  • /:id/edit defines a place to edit a given entry
  • /:id/preview public preview for a given entry
  • /signout uses react lifecycle to trash the token and redirect to the / route without the state of auth
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'

export default class extends Component {
	componentWillMount() {

	render() {
		return (
					pathname: '/',
					state: { from: this.props.location, authed: false }


Using Draft.js was really a no-brainer, there's a rich set of plugins and uses cases are extendable the API is really approachable.

  • Draft.js Plugins
  • Really f**ked up on mobile 🖕 😠 🤬 🐛


  • CSS custom properties
  • Aphrodite -> JSXStyle -> Glamor
  • UI state is malleable, diffing strings is stupid.
  • Font loading is hard. Maybe Google developers should solve that problem instead of harassing and baiting the React community on Twitter. You know, fix the fucking platform.
  • A palette utility is a good idea
  • Resets are a good idea. Level.css


Now. It's a simple binary and worth every penny. 🔺 I have never found a deployment tool to be this simple and configurable and painless.

Application Demo


  • Autosaving 💾
  • Night Mode 🌖
  • Public entries 📝
  • Export and import markdown files ⬆️ ⬇️
  • Installable on Home Screen and caches the assets 📲

In Progress Features


  • Offline Mode
  • Add Keywords to posts
  • Search through posts
  • SSR with Next.js and Express



Global State

Very little state here is global

  • Authorization: Cookie
  • Night Theme: localstorage
  • Entries: Server
  • Views: window.location


  • Focus states are thing that are hard to replicate outside of HTML defaults
  • Tab indexes are tricky alchemy
  • React needs to make up their mind on HTML attrs dashes or camelCase, just pick


I need to stop f**king around on this one and pick a direction.

Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. -- Guillermo Rauch

founder of Zeit and CloudUp, creator of, mongoose.js, Slackin, Now, MooTools and whole pile of other shit

  • Puppeteer and Jest are a match made in heaven.
  • Writing asserts in the same way you would test a component is invaluable to your productivity.
  • For writing unit tests with React, Components should be easy to test. -- Components should do one thing -- Components have methods that are easy to spy on -- Mocking out dependencies shouldn't be difficult.
  • Writing snapshots should be the easiest test you write.
  • React Router components will kill your snapshots.
  • Asking what this component or piece of UI should do 3 or 4 times will make it very clear you're doing something wrong


⁉️ 🗣️