Part II: Measuring and comparing biodiversity patterns and processes
Prof. Jonathan Chase ([email protected])
Dr. Paola Barajas ([email protected]); Dr. Shane Blowes ([email protected]); Dr. Juan Carvajal Quintero ([email protected]); Dr. Zohre Eslami ([email protected]); Dr. Zachary Hajian Forooshani ([email protected]); Dr. Daniela Hoss ([email protected]); Dr. Emma Ladouceur ([email protected]); Dr. Alban Sagouis ([email protected]); Dr. Kimberly Thompson ([email protected]); Dr. Roel van Klink ([email protected]); Dr. Wubing Xu ([email protected])
Tuesday: Introduction to modelling, population and metapopulation dynamics using simulations and computer exercises (Shane)
Wednesday: Effects of sampling on biodiversity measures (species accumulation curves, etc); mobsim (Alban)
Thursday: Independent project/analysis: simulations, analyses of empirical and/or simulated data (Alban, Roel, Kim)
Wednesday: Biodiversity, Metacommunity Assembly, and Ecosystem Functions (biomass, stability) (Daniela, Emma)
The learning objectives of this course will be primarily achieved by course attendence and participation in excercises and activities. Attendence/participation is mandatory. Grading will be primarily through course attendence and participation in 'in class' activities and short weeekly independent projects