0.34.0 (2023-03-24)
2d fid (#1633 ) (1a89ffc )
add description for predefined columns (741646d )
add importation filters tab to general settings (#1957 ) (7769d6c ), closes #1607
add Matrix generation options per nucleus in the View state (878910a )
add signal processing filter (7ea6416 )
add spectra column customization (741646d )
add the 'source' property for original file (#2126 ) (c1dbe93 )
auto-complete for spectra objects paths (6af9af5 ), closes #2045
change contours levels for all 2d spectra if no spectrum is selected (#2074 ) (ce89796 ), closes #2069
copy and past workspace (c7c012b )
copy molfile as V3 or V2 (#2201 ) (9692f5a )
create a new workspace "assignment" (#1895 ) (c04d6df )
custom layout component for svg elements (f019c0a )
customize spectra legends (a332ead )
database table scroll position (#1860 ) (2e480a1 )
delete all filters under a specific spectrum (4198f17 )
display matrix generation panel (#1955 ) (d1d326e ), closes #1953
display spectra info block (1f1cfd8 )
distinguish FT spectrum which processed by NMRium with an icon (#2157 ) (efa979f ), closes #2149
field auto complete (7b3590c )
fileCollection as source in .nmrium files (#2022 ) (8aad5c6 )
import meta information automatically (54b48da )
import spectra meta information (77ff6a3 ), closes #1462
improve general settings UI (#1966 ) (82a33e8 )
improve multiple spectra analysis panel (#1964 ) (93158dd ), closes #1921
improve spectra analysis (#1987 ) (64c029d ), closes #1980
integrate with fifo-logger (#2231 ) (0282462 )
load .nmrium file without spectra (#2123 ) (#2125 ) (aff9a4e )
load .nmrium file without spectra and have �iew or, and setting… (#2123 ) (106ad9b )
matrix generation (53b9832 )
message component (success, error, warning, and info) (653f459 )
nmr-load-save prerelease with filters (#1965 ) (f0a9471 )
order multiple spectra analysis table (#1887 ) (9f90f13 )
process FID spectra automatically to FT (#2141 ) (d3b87ad )
re-coloring spectra based on the distinct value (1cdedf9 ), closes #1882
react table columns virtual scroll (2282a75 )
recolor spectra (b57ed9d ), closes #2081
redetect signal when resizing the range (#2007 ) (90d8487 )
resize floating molecule (52d16e6 ), closes #1929
save vertical splitter position in workspace (#2203 ) (b35418f )
select multiple active spectra (#2104 ) (0c214a8 )
set custom workspaces at the level of the NMRium component (#1956 ) (f3b3c65 )
show a message when drag/drop files raise an error (#1962 ) (9b3c956 )
show molecule atoms number (#1918 ) (3468b96 ), closes #1916
signal processing filter (4a1bccf )
sort spectra (fde2fbc ), closes #2018
use 2D data quadrants and reload assignment from JCAMP-DX (#1861 ) (435e961 )
Bug Fixes
add one level in filters (#2120 ) (24b6f36 )
alert messages are outside the visible page (#1890 ) (221cf24 ), closes #1875
avoid timeout during assignment (d813541 )
avoid unmounts in spectra panel (#2197 ) (fc2f07a ), closes #1901
baseline correction live preview (#1969 ) (c7c012b )
coupling constant format in database table (#1877 ) (d72a1a1 ), closes #1853
coupling constants format (#1856 ) (4e899e6 )
digits format (#2137 ) (fc38f51 )
dropdown list position (#2010 ) (9545851 ), closes #2008
edit range (#1975 ) (27141bc )
empty test cases not working (#2180 ) (45cb60d ), closes #2172
exclusion zones (#1897 ) (4766608 )
export as raw data should not include the 'source' object (#2241 ) (c5eba03 )
extend preference dataSelection to jcamp format (#2185 ) (b88f7fd )
handle correctly only bruker SER (#2067 ) (ad33c74 )
hide/show spectra (#1961 ) (189dc94 ), closes #1960
import spectrum data with nmr-load-save (#1862 ) (520ce89 )
importation ranges relative value from publication string (#2228 ) (893e3e5 )
jeol files with data not power of 2 (af13a62 )
jpath (91d9f7f ), closes #2080
multiple spectra analysis columns preferences (#1878 ) (7d45a4a ), closes #1874
onload processing (#2254 ) (ede4887 ), closes #2250
parse hex color and extract opacity (#2233 ) (991748a )
prediction and improve speediness (#1971 ) (1f9aa4d )
rangesToACS don't guess multiplicity (#2028 ) (494fcc3 )
re-edition of zero filling (925cea7 ), closes #2150
react table virtual scroll (#1879 ) (8b6def9 ), closes #1863
set default
workspace if the specified workspace does not exists in the workspaces object (#1989 ) (733e3a8 ), closes #1979
set the zoom tool active when deselecting another tool (ef718c7 ), closes #2066
sorting by solvent (#2037 ) (23f7660 ), closes #2017
spectra table columns width (#2210 ) (40a9f5b )
speed of database load with precalculated indexes (3c76502 )
support .jcamp extensions (d78acd4 )
swapped family and given name in citation.cff (#2047 ) (9fae0ad )
the 2d tab should be active by default if we have 2d and 1d spectra (741646d )
use svg transform instead of css transform (#2204 ) (1631aac )
vertical axis for the slicing tool (#1846 ) (06e2787 )
wait for the container height value before calculating the virtual scroll boundary (#2027 ) (424328f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.