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add Tracks, BirdFlowTracks, and related funtions and validations bird…
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chenyangkang committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 1f29629 commit 36975d8
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Showing 3 changed files with 405 additions and 220 deletions.
301 changes: 81 additions & 220 deletions R/TrackDataClass.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,245 +1,106 @@
#' Create a Track object
#' The `Track` function creates an object of class "Track" and "BirdFlowRoute".
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track_id A string or number representing the unique identifiers of the track.
#' @param track_date A vector representing the dates associated with the track.
#' @param track_longitude A vector of longitudes for the track points.
#' @param track_latitude A vector of latitudes for the track points.
#' @param track_x A vector of x-coordinates in a projected coordinate system (projected into BirdFlow CRS).
#' @param track_y A vector of y-coordinates in a projected coordinate system (projected into BirdFlow CRS).
#' @param track_type A character string indicating the type of track (default: "Undefined").
#' @param track_info Additional information or metadata about the track (default: "").
#' @return An object of class "Track" and "BirdFlowRoute".
#' @export
Track <- function(track_id, track_date, track_longitude, track_latitude, track_x, track_y, track_type = "Undefined", track_info="") {
# check input data format
check_data_input_format.Track(track_id, track_date, track_longitude, track_latitude, track_x, track_y, track_type, track_info)
Tracks <- function(track_df, species = NULL, source = NULL){
# Check input

data <- list(track_id=track_id,
data, class = c("Track", "BirdFlowRoute")
# Make new Tracks object
obj <- new_Tracks(track_df, species, source)

new_Tracks <- function(track_df, species, source){
# Sort columns
target_ordered_columns <- c('track_id', 'date', 'lon', 'lat', 'track_type')
track_df <- track_df[, c(target_ordered_columns, setdiff(names(track_df), target_ordered_columns))]

obj <- structure(
class = c("Tracks", class(track_df)),
species = species,
source = source

#' Check the input data format of Track object
#' @rdname TrackDataClass

#' @export
check_data_input_format.Track <- function(track_id, track_date, track_longitude, track_latitude, track_x, track_y, track_type, track_info){
if ((!is.character(track_id) & !is.numeric(track_id)) || length(track_id) != 1){
stop(sprintf("'track_id' must be a single string or number"))
if (
(!inherits(track_date, "Date")) || any(
) {
stop("'track_date' must be of class 'Date'. Please provide valid Date objects.")
for (var_name in c("track_longitude", "track_latitude", "track_x", "track_y")) {
var <- get(var_name)

if (!is.numeric(var) || any( {
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a numeric vector and cannot contain NA values.", var_name))

if (length(var) != length(track_date)) {
stop(sprintf("All variables must have the same length! '%s' must have the same length as 'track_date'.", var_name))
BirdFlowTracks <- function(birdflow_track_df,
species = NULL,
geom = NULL,
dates = NULL,
source = NULL,
sort_id_and_dates = TRUE,
# Check input
stopifnot(inherits(bf, 'BirdFlow'))
stopifnot(inherits(birdflow_track_df, 'data.frame'))

if (max(track_longitude) > 180 || min(track_longitude) > 180){
stop(sprintf("'track_longitude' not in range (-180, 180)!"))
if (max(track_latitude) > 90 || min(track_latitude) < -90){
stop(sprintf("'track_latitude' not in range (-90, 90)!"))
# Sort & reindex
if (sort_id_and_dates){
birdflow_track_df <- birdflow_track_df |> sort_by_id_and_dates()
valid_track_types <- c("Tracking", "Banding", "BirdFlow_generated_route","Undefined")
if (!is.character(track_type) || length(track_type) != 1 || !(track_type %in% valid_track_types)) {
stop(sprintf("'track_type' must be one of: %s", paste(valid_track_types, collapse = ", ")))
if (reset_index){
birdflow_track_df <- birdflow_track_df |> reset_index()

if (!is.character(track_info)){
stop(sprintf("'info' must be a string."))

#' Print the Track object
#' This function print the track as a summary
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track An object of class "Track".
#' @return No return value. Prints a summary to the console.
#' @method print Track
#' @export
print.Track <- function(track) {
pad_width <- 18
cat(format("Track ID: ", width = pad_width), track$track_id, "\n")
cat(format("Number of points: ", width = pad_width), length(track$track_date), "\n")
cat(format("Date range: ", width = pad_width), format(min(track$track_date)), "to", format(max(track$track_date)), "\n")
cat(format("Longitude range: ", width = pad_width), range(track$track_longitude), "\n")
cat(format("Latitude range: ", width = pad_width), range(track$track_latitude), "\n")
cat(format("x range: ", width = pad_width), range(track$track_x), "\n")
cat(format("y range:", width = pad_width), range(track$track_y), "\n")
cat(format("Track type: ", width = pad_width), track$track_type, "\n")
cat(format("Info: ", width = pad_width), ifelse(length(track$track_info)>20, paste0(substr(track$track_info, 1, 20),' ...'), track$track_info), "\n") # only print the head 20 characters
# Make the BirdFlowTracks object
obj <- new_BirdFlowTracks(birdflow_track_df=birdflow_track_df,


#' Create a TrackCollection object
#' The `TrackCollection` function creates an object of class "TrackCollection".
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param tracks a list of objects of class "Track". Default to empty list.
#' @return An object of class "TrackCollection" containing a list of tracks (default: empty list).
#' @export
TrackCollection <- function(tracks = list()) {
list(tracks = tracks),
class = "TrackCollection"
new_BirdFlowTracks <- function(birdflow_track_df, species, geom, dates, source){

## Add stay id
birdflow_track_df <- birdflow_track_df |>
dplyr::group_by(.data$track_id) |>
add_stay_id_with_varied_intervals(timestep_col = "timestep") |> # Here, using add_stay_id_with_varied_intervals, rather than add_stay_id. It takes 'timestep' as input so account for varying intervals, if the data is not sampled in a frequency.
dplyr::ungroup() |> |>

# Sort columns
target_ordered_columns <- c('track_id', 'x', 'y', 'i', 'timestep', 'date','track_type','stay_id','stay_len')
birdflow_track_df <- birdflow_track_df[, c(target_ordered_columns, setdiff(names(birdflow_track_df), target_ordered_columns))]

obj <- structure(
class = unique(c('BirdFlowTracks', 'Tracks', class(birdflow_track_df))),
species = species,
geom = geom,
dates = dates,
source = source

#' Check if an object is a valid Track for TrackCollection
#' This function checks whether the input is a valid object of class "Track".
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track An object to check.
#' @return No return value. Raises an error if the input is not of class "Track".
#' @export
check_track.TrackCollection <- function(track){
if (!inherits(track, "Track")) {
stop("Only objects of class 'Track' can be added.")

#' Add a Track to a TrackCollection
#' This function adds a `Track` object to a `TrackCollection`.
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track_collection An object of class "TrackCollection".
#' @param track An object of class "Track" to add to the collection.
#' @return An updated `TrackCollection` object with the new `Track` added.
#' @export
add_track.TrackCollection <- function(track_collection, track) {
track_collection$tracks[[length(track_collection$tracks) + 1]] <- track

#' Summarize a TrackCollection
#' This function summarizes the content of a `TrackCollection`, including the
#' number of tracks and the types of tracks.
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track_collection An object of class "TrackCollection".
#' @return A list containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`track_count_summary`}{The number of tracks in the collection.}
#' \item{`track_type_summary`}{A table summarizing the types of tracks in the collection.}
#' }
#' @method summary TrackCollection
#' @export
summary.TrackCollection <- function(track_collection){
# Summarize track count, track type
track_count_summary <- length(track_collection$tracks)
track_type_summary <- table(sapply(track_collection$tracks, function(track) track$track_type))
return(list(track_count_summary=track_count_summary, track_type_summary=track_type_summary))

#' Print a TrackCollection
#' This function provides a human-readable summary of a `TrackCollection`.
#' @rdname TrackDataClass
#' @param track_collection An object of class "TrackCollection".
#' @return No return value. Prints a summary to the console.
#' @method print TrackCollection
#' @export
print.TrackCollection <- function(track_collection) {
cat("TrackCollection with", length(track_collection$tracks), "tracks\n")
summary_ <- summary(track_collection)
track_type_summary_str <- paste(names(summary_$track_type_summary), summary_$track_type_summary, sep = ": ", collapse = ", ")
summary_str <- paste(
"Track Types:\n",

make_pairs.TrackCollection <- function(track_collection, force=FALSE) {
if ('paired_track' %in% names(track_collection)){
if (!force){

track_collection$paired_track <- '...'
## test
track_df1 <- data.frame(
track_id = c("001", "001", "001", "001", "001", "003", "004"),
date = as.Date(c("2025-01-01", "2025-01-08", "2025-01-15", "2025-01-21", "2025-02-10", "2025-03-01", "2025-05-01")),
lon = c(-75.0060, -75.0060, -74.0060, -87.6298, -87.6298, -87.6298, -95.3698),
lat = c(39.7128, 39.7128, 40.7128, 41.8781, 41.8781, 41.8781, 29.7604),
track_type = c("tracking", 'tracking', "tracking", 'tracking', 'tracking', "motus", "motus")

# track_df20 <-, replicate(200, track_df1, simplify = FALSE))
bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
species1 = 'aa'
source1 = list(a=c('1'), b=c('2'))
my_tracks <- Tracks(track_df1, species1, source1)
my_bftracks <- as_BirdFlowTracks(my_tracks, bf=bf)

# # Create a PairedTrack object (S3 class)
# PairedTrack <- function(start, end) {
# structure(
# list(start = start, end = end),
# class = "PairedTrack"
# )
# }
# # Print method for PairedTrack
# print.PairedTrack <- function(paired_track) {
# cat("PairedTrack:\n")
# cat("Start:\n")
# print(paired_track$start)
# cat("End:\n")
# print(paired_track$end)
# }
# # Create a PairedTrackCollection object (S3 class)
# PairedTrackCollection <- function(track_collection) {
# paired_tracks <- lapply(track_collection$tracks, function(track) {
# if (nrow(track$data) >= 2) { # Ensure at least two points
# start <- track$data[1, ]
# end <- track$data[nrow(track$data), ]
# PairedTrack(start, end)
# } else {
# }
# })
# paired_tracks <- Filter(Negate(is.null), paired_tracks) # Remove NULLs for tracks with less than 2 points
# structure(
# list(paired_tracks = paired_tracks),
# class = "PairedTrackCollection"
# )
# }
# # Print method for PairedTrackCollection
# print.PairedTrackCollection <- function(paired_collection) {
# cat("PairedTrackCollection with", length(paired_collection$paired_tracks), "paired tracks:\n")
# lapply(paired_collection$paired_tracks, print)
# }

# bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
# bf <- add_dynamic_mask(bf) # To ease transition pain
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