abspy v0.2.4
This release comes with changes as follows:
- Options to refit and skip global vertex group.
- OBB pre-intersection test to reduce runtime and maintain compactness (#20).
- Stats therebefore:
.../test_complex.py INFO primitive.py:617 processing .../abspy/tests/test_data/test_church.obj INFO complex.py:444 constructing cell complex 100%|██████████| 218/218 [01:12<00:00, 3.02it/s] INFO complex.py:537 cell complex constructed: 72.22 s INFO complex.py:831 number of planes: 218 INFO complex.py:832 number of cells: 3408
- Stats thereafter:
.../test_complex.py INFO primitive.py:632 processing .../abspy/tests/test_data/test_church.obj INFO complex.py:609 constructing cell complex 100%|██████████| 218/218 [01:01<00:00, 3.55it/s] INFO complex.py:705 cell complex constructed: 61.43 s INFO complex.py:999 number of planes: 218 INFO complex.py:1000 number of cells: 2735
- An example for convex decomposition from mesh in README.
- RTD configuration
. - A complex church test mesh.
- Obsolete PyPi
. - The
Why adaptive
section in README.
- A few trivial optimizations.
- Rename test meshes
- Upgrade