collection of tools/approaches/methods for everyday work.
- cheat sheet Togaf
- cheat sheet Togaf::archimate
- cheat sheet Togaf::archimate + sequence diagram
- cheat sheet Togaf::archimate + class diagram
- ATT&CK - knowledge base of adversary tactics against system
- STRIDE model - find threats of system
- security in automotive
- SysML
- RAAML ( Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language )
- SysML
- Archimate
- C4 - context, container, component, code
- DB Markup Language
- D2 - Declarative Diagrams
- Block Diagrams
- Network Diagrams
- GraphViz - structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks
- Pikchr - tech documentation
- Symbolator is a component diagramming tool for VHDL and Verilog
- TikZ - LATEX style language for describing graphics in text
- WireViz - cable/wiring documentation
- Waterfall (SDLC) Methodology
ideal for short, uncomplicated projects.
Sequential list of tasks, a task cannot be initiated until the previous one is complete, and you cannot return to a previous task. - LEAN ( ToyotaProductionSystem )
It aimed to reduce inventory costs and improve the efficiency by eliminating any type of waste (remove any excess efforts).
for standard/repeat work, not for complex tasks - Agile Methodology
fast, continuous improvement.
- Scrum
- Kanban
ideal for teams that need constant output on a project and want to maximize efficiency
- Scrumban
- Six Sigma
improve quality by identifying what is not working in the project.
- Critical Path Method (CPM)
gathering all the required activities needed to complete a project
and sorting them by duration and dependencies. for project teams who want a straightforward sequence of tasks and estimated duration of activities - Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
Critical Path extension with considering resources availability.
for teams who need to prioritize tasks by resource renewability and the minimal time needed for completion (with a buffer added) - PRiSM - PRojects integrating Sustainable Methods
goal of reducing any negative environmental, economic, and social effects caused by the project primarily used for large real estate development, construction, or infrastructure projects.
- Project management institute’s PMBOK® Guide
- Extreme Project Management (XPM)
- Extreme Programming (XPM)
- Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
- Milestone Trend Analysis
- PRINCE2 - PRojects IN Controlled Environments
the standard methodology of the U.K. government best suited for larger organizations based on consistent processes, controlled stages (beginning, middle, end), properly allocated resources, regular progress reviews and alignment with business justifications.
- Hermes
the standard methodology of Switzerland government