Start template for python package.
- Run
git clone git://
- Write Your nice code.
- One location for settings - all settings specified in only
- Simple usage - one command: make
- - all distutils, setuptools features
- tests - unittest, pytest
- .tar.gz - source generation
- .deb generation
- .rpm generation
- virtualenv - install and put package into it
make test - run all tests
make deb - build Debian package
make source - build source tarball
make daily - make daily snapshot
make install - install program
make init - install all requirements
make clean - clean project, remove *.pyc and other templorary files
make deploy - create vitrual environment
. |-- bin | `-- my_program |-- docs | `-- doc.txt |-- my_program | |-- data | | `-- some_data.html | |-- submodule | | `-- | |-- | |-- |-- tests | |-- | |-- |-- Makefile |-- CHANGES.txt |-- LICENSE.txt |-- |-- requirements-dev.txt |-- requirements.txt `--
Please, send ideas - here
Send issues - here
You find bug? - post it to me here