Safety wrapper around the Web Animations API. Allows animations to safely be defined in Node, and browsers that don't support the Web Animation API. Default behavior is to do nothing.
var animation = require('nanoanimation')
var css = require('sheetify')
var html = require('bel')
var el = html`
<div class="bg-red h5 w5" onclick=${() =>}>
Hello planet
var keyFrames = [
{ transform: 'translateY(0%)' },
{ transform: 'translateY(100%)' }
var timingProperties = {
duration: 1000,
fill: 'forwards'
var animate = animation(keyFrames, timingProperties)
var move = animate(el, function () {
console.log('event ended')
Create a new animation.
Apply an animation to an element, calls done
when finished. Returns the
nativate Web Animation object.