Peer grading for students and instructors
Hosted at
Professors don’t have the bandwidth to grade hundreds of students. Students don’t like the current tool at UCSC: Crowdgrader.
- Provide a cheap, modern design, with integration to Canvas gradebook for easy grade publishing
- A more intuitive interface to increase usability and confidence about submissions & grading
[email protected]:christianknab/peergrader.git
npm install
npm run dev
Development server should be running on http://localhost:3000
API keys are required to run! Create a file .env.local
in the root directory and put the following contents:
Deploys on Vercel every commit.
- Next.js
- Typescript XML
- PostgreSQL
- Auth: Supabase
- PostgreSQL database: Supabase
- Storage (files): Supabase
- Deployment: Vercel
- GitHub: Version control