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Releases: christofmuc/KnobKraft-orm

2.6.1 hotfix creating new databases

24 Feb 23:34
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  • #389 Removed the special case of the user list save to database button. Now, any change is immediately persisted to the database,
    and there is no undo much like in the rest of the system.

Bug fixes:

  • #430 Exception on creating new database was fixed. Migrating existing worked, but creating new was broken.


23 Feb 23:19
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  • #383 Adding two new metadata fields for each patch, Author and Info. There is a new display mode that shows the author as
    subtitle in the grid. The Info field is a generic single line metadata field. Both fields are searchable via the text search.
    Thanks to @RadekPilich for the suggestion!
  • #401 Right click or shift/modifier click on any category or filter button will not automatically turn off the other filters already set,
    this allows for faster swichting e.g. between Lead and Pad, without having to deactivate the previously selected category. The same
    works when assigning a catageory to the currently selected patch in the side bar. I like this so much I might make it the default!
    Again, also a suggestion from @RadekPilich!
  • #389 Removed the special case of the user list save to database button. Now, any change is immediately persisted to the database,
    and there is no undo much like in the rest of the system.


  • #73 First alpha version for the Yamaha FS1R. Thanks to @markusschlosser for relentless testing!
  • #244 Waldorf Pulse adaptation now confirmed to work by @markusschlosser. Thanks again!
  • #428 Fixed tag import for the Generic Roland module, preventing tag import e.g. for JV-2080 to work. Thanks to @ivruebj for finding it
    and providing the fix!
  • #420 Added 4 Addons banks to the Prophet X adaptation. Thanks to @Walleye-Sencza for pointing this out!
  • #429 Applied fix for Korg M1 detection supplied by @Philippe593, thanks for this!

Bug fixes:

  • #386 Fixed deleting patches which were part of a synth bank via the menu. This did throw an error message and would just refuse
    to delete the patches. This new version allows to delete the patches also if they are part of a user list via the Edit... Delete... menu item -
    if a patch is part of a bank though it is hidden not and not deleted, as the bank structure needs to remain intact. Thanks to @RadekPilich for reporting!
  • #425 Fixed text message on import that was confusing. Thanks @markusschlosser!
  • Patch button in current patch side bar did not show color anymore. Fixed.


13 Feb 21:59
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Bug fixes:

  • #419 Banks of varying sizes led to incorrect start index when downloading banks. This hit the Waldorf Pulse adaptation.
  • Crash on download bank for adaptations which implement the BankDumpCapability but not the BankDumpRequestCapability. This hit the alpha version of the Yamaha FS1R adaptation.


12 Feb 23:10
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  • #407 Roland D-50/D-550 finally we can confirm we have a working adaptation for the Roland D-50/D-550. Special thanks to @summersetter for
    relentless and systematic testing!
  • #398 Waldorf M - works now! Thanks to @RadekPilich for testing!
  • Sequential Trigon-6 confirmed as working!
  • #335 #415 Oberheim OB-X8 works now, also detects module and name length fix.

2.5.1 A ton of new synth adaptations

01 Feb 13:04
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This release brings a whole load of new adaptations, some of which are brand new and some have been around but not part of the official release for a while. If you encounter any problems, just let me know!


  • #274 Roland Juno-DS - adaptation created by @mslinn, a thousand thanks for developing this from scratch and contributing it!
  • #394 Moog Voyager - nicely working adaptation for the classic. Thanks to Thanks to @troach242 for the nudge and test!
  • #395 Akai AX80 - beta version of the adaptation. Feedback please by owners! Thanks to O.S.R.C. on YT for the nudge!
  • #396 Korg M1 - beta version of the adaptation. Feedback please by owners! Thanks to Jentusalentu at YT for the nudge!
  • #398 Waldorf M - alpha version of the adaptation. Thanks to @RadekPilich for testing!
  • #397 Elektron Analog Rytm -- beta version. Thanks to @RadekPilich for the request!
  • Elektron Digitone -- alpha version, as it looked very similar to the Analog Rytm. This needs more work, owners please provide feedback so we can complete it.
  • #244 Waldorf Pulse alpha, this needs some more work and investigation. Thanks to @markusschlosser and chatGPT for the groundwork.
  • Sequential Trigon-6 beta, this should be relatively straightforward as the Sequential synths all behave well.
  • Oberheim Teo-5 beta, this is a newer synth and probably close to the Take-5 in terms of MIDI.
  • Oberheim OB-X8 beta, this is now based on the generic Sequential module. Fingers crossed this works!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed #388: Switching the database would not clear the right hand side panels for current patch, bank, and patch history.


19 Jan 19:05
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New build and technology:

  • #376 The Mac build got a complete overhaul, and is now a universal binary for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, as well
    as being signed and notarized avoiding the override on open, and it contains the Python framework so hopefully the
    Apple Python problems are a thing of the past now. Need more feedback of whether it works on your Mac, it works on mine!
  • Update to C++ 20 means we need at least MacOS 10.11
  • Now supporting Ubuntu 24.03
  • Major update of 3rd party dependencies, fmt, Gin, nlohmann, JUCE (now on 8.0.3), pybind, spdlog and more.
  • Added a Makefile for easy testing of the various build steps on MacOS.


  • New adaptation for the E-mu Morpheus, thanks to Kid Who for testing this!
  • Ensoniq VFX/VFX-SD now moved from alpha to works and part of the distribution. Thanks to @dancingdog for testing this!
  • New version 0.92 of the Ensoniq SQ-1 adaptation, thanks to @Mostelin!
    Removes the need to manually EXIT the input buffer between each program load. Now, when a program is loaded the display defaults to programs 1-10 of the Internal bank, and shows the C compare message at bottom left.
    By pressing the Compare button, users can switch between the just-loaded program or the previously selected program. The loaded program can be written to any location in the usual manner: press the Write button and then select a location to overwrite.
  • Line 6 POD Series Adaptation contributed by @milnak!
  • Novation Summit pulls wrong bank #375 - fixed bank retrieval on the Novation Summit. Thanks to @RadekPilich for reporting!
  • #368 An alpha version for the Roland V-Drums TD-07. Thanks to @mslinn for giving the nudge!

Bug fixes:

  • #343 Patches showing wrong bank - import sometimes messed up original program positions, this fix should now work much better to keep the
    original program position at the time of import visible in the properties.
  • #372 The Visibility bug from issue 242's back - fixed the Ubuntu build warnings caused by a special feature of gcc


04 Nov 23:02
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Added file missing from 2.4.3 for Yamaha YC series.

The Mac build for 2.4.4 had problems, please download 2.4.0 for now!


02 Nov 21:52
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The Mac build for 2.4.3 had problems, please download 2.4.0 for now!

New features:

  • #344 Send a message to all connected outputs from the MIDI Log view. This is useful for debugging and quickly checking
    response of devices. This is an initial try for this functionality, please feel free to give feedback for more!


  • Yamaha YC series implemented by @milnak, thanks for the contribution! This adds support for the Yamaha YC61/YC73/YC88.
  • Yamaha reface CP updated by @milnak.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed #355: Creating synth banks with fill didn't work if there were less patches available than required to make a full synth bank.
    Fixed by just repeating the last entry to make sure the entire bank is full.
  • Fixed #354: Deleted user banks are still visible in the UI but gone after restart
  • Fixed #352: The accidental jump back to page 1 on editing a category. This was a regression but introduced with #310 back in April 2024 with the release of 2.3.0
  • Fixed #353: Renaming a patch would not set the patch to dirty in the synth bank, and therefore sending the changed bank to the synth
    did not update that patch, failing to change the name in the synth. There is more to this issue, but the main problem is fixed.
  • One more fix for the create bank with fill - don't crash when no patch matches the current filter. Thanks to @salzaverde!


04 Oct 21:33
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Bug fixes:

  • Increase the maximum number of MIDI messages per patch allowed. This was 10, which is too small for some synths. Increase to 14, and make it configurable via environment variable "ORM_MAX_MSG_PER_PATCH" for easier experiments.


28 Sep 23:17
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Bug fixes:

Renaming the second layer was broken, it would accidentally rename the first layer again. This impacted all multi-layer name synths like the Prophet Rev2 and the Prophet 12. Introduced in 2.3.1 only, fixed with 2.4.1.