2.0.0 : Refactoring & News Features
With your help and yours feedbacks, VueCtkDateTimePicker 2.0.0 is live
The component is "more"
- Light
- Robust
- Efficient
- Speed
- Responsive
- Beautiful
News Features
- Set your own custom shortcuts on range mode
- New button 'NOW' for set the current date time (not available on range mode)
- UI Time Picker (Select on scroll, UX)
- Custom element to trigger the component (Use your own input, button, etc to open VueCtkDateTimePicker)
- You can select year & month directly (not yet available on range mode)
- Calendar is now keyboard accessible (issue : #45)
- Font management improvement (remove @import css of roboto)
- You can set the first day of week (option : first-day-of-week="(0 to 7)")
- Change the color of the validation button & 'now' button (button-color option)
- You can force the position where the component appears (Option : position="(top|bottom)")
- You can open the component programmatically (option : open="(true|false)")
- Option : persistent (the component stay always open)
- You can choose the size of the input (option : input-size="(true|false)")
- A demo with components more editable
- Update to
vue-cli 3
(local server & build)
Find it
- Install bata version :
npm install vue-ctk-date-time-picker
- DEMO : https://chronotruck.github.io/vue-ctk-date-time-picker
- DOC : https://github.com/chronotruck/vue-ctk-date-time-picker/blob/master/README.md
Le me know if you have others feedbacks !