irclogger is a simple daemon written in the Python Programming Language utilizing the circuits framework for the sole purpose of logging a set of IRC Channels to disk in the form that something like irclog2html can understand and parse.
From PyPi using pip:
$ pip install irclogger
from source:
$ mkvirtualenv irclogger
$ hg clone
$ cd irclogger
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To display help:
$ irclogger --help
Usage: irclogger [options] <host> [<port>]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --daemon Enable daemon mode
Channel to join (multiple allowed)
-n NICK, --nick=NICK Nickname to use
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Path to store log files
-p PIDFILE, --pidfile=PIDFILE
Path to store PID file
-v, --verbose Enable verbose debugging mode
To log a single channel:
$ irclogger -c "#mychannel"
By default irclogger stores logs in the current working directory.
to change the location to store log files.note
Also note that the default nickname used is your current username
on your system. i.e:$USER
. To change this use the-n/--nick