Schematic is a set of utilities for transforming data among different data warehousing solutions.
It can infer a destination schema for arbitrary data from a source.
In its current version, it supports Redshift and CSV.
Schematic is only supported for Python 3.5 and up.
You can install with pip:
pip install git+
Schematic can be used as a CLI utility. Once installed, just run schematic
to get usage information.
$ schematic
Usage: schematic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Utilities for converting data for tranfer among different data warehouse
--help Show this message and exit.
create-table Create a Redshift table from a CSV
You can also get help for each subcommand.
$ schematic create-table --help
Usage: schematic create-table [OPTIONS] CSV
Create a Redshift table from a CSV
--schema TEXT
--conn-string TEXT psycopg2-style connection string
--help Show this message and exit.