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Install and configure Satisfactory dedicated server
Ansible >= 2.10
ansible-galaxy install claranet.satisfactory
Variable | Default value | Description |
satisfactory_user | steam | Server daemon users |
satisfactory_user_home | /home/{{ satisfactory_user }} |
Daemon user's home |
satisfactory_service_name | satisfactory | SystemD service name (useful for multi instances) |
satisfactory_install_dir | {{ satisfactory_user_home }} /SatisfactoryDedicatedServer/{{ satisfactory_service_name }} |
Installation directory |
satisfactory_multihome | null | Bind the server process to a specific IP address rather than all available interfaces |
satisfactory_serverqueryport | 15777 | Override the Query Port the server uses. This is the port specified in the Server Manager in the client UI to establish a server connection. This can be set freely. The default port is UDP/15777 |
satisfactory_beaconport | 15000 | Override the Beacon Port the server uses This port currently cannot be set freely. The default port is UDP/15000. If this port is already in use, the server will step up to the next port until an available one is found |
satisfactory_port | 7777 | Override the Game Port the server uses. This is the primary port used to communicate game telemetry with the client. The default port is UDP/7777. If it is already in use, the server will step up to the next port until an available one is found |
satisfactory_log | true | Forces the server to display logs in a window (on Windows) or in the active terminal (on Linux). This option is implicit by default when launching on Linux |
satisfactory_maxplayers | 16 | Maximum players in game |
satisfactory_autopause | true | Pause the game when no one is connected |
satisfactory_autosaveondisconnect | true | Save the session when the last player disconnects |
satisfactory_experimental | false | Use the experimental branch of the game server |
- hosts: all
- role: claranet.satisfactory
satisfactory_port: 8000
# Create another instance on the same server
- role: claranet.satisfactory
satisfactory_service_name: satisfactory-test
satisfactory_port: 8001
satisfactory_serverqueryport: 15778
satisfactory_beaconport: 15001