claudemods Arch Installer Tui Script and Qt6 Application
this will only install the preconfigured user and its cloned data ext4 is currently only supported and this will setup with grub only this will not setup a seperate swap or home this is a working project theres more work to be done
plans moving forward more filesystems supported more options for the script and application
more info in each dated v1.02 release folder
method to install with new qt6 application simply execute ArchLinuxInstaller.bin select a drive to install on with select drives tab then click install once on install tab and enter password once you enter your password let the application do the rest there is a process bar and a log button also
to run the tui script as root with command sudo ./ArchGrubExt4.bin "yourdrive" script "yourdrive" should be entered as e.g /dev/sda or /dev/vda ect......