Client for Zuora API
This is a wrapper for sample code provided by Zuora
It contains minor changes as well as added support for ‘generate’ API call
It also provides scripts to query, create, update, delete Zuora Objects, as well as make payment & bill runs.
$ sudo gem sources -a $ sudo gem install zuora4r
zuora-query -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] <query> zuora-create -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] <json representing object to create> zuora-update -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] <json representing object to update> zuora-delete -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] -t [Account|Subscription|Payment|...] -i <id_1,...> zuora-payment-run -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] -a <account id> -i <invoice id> -d <effective date> -m <payment method id> zuora-bill-run -u <username> -p <password> -e [prod|sandbox] -a <account id> -i <invoice date> -t <target date>
export ZUSER=zuora_username export ZPASS=zuora_password # create new payment method zuora-create -u $ZUSER -p $ZPASS -e sandbox '{"PaymentMethod": {"accountId": "4028e6992a031d78012a1b132dba1c9b", "creditCardAddress1": "52 Vexford Lane", "creditCardCity": "United States", "creditCardExpirationMonth": "12", "creditCardExpirationYear": "2010", "creditCardHolderName": "Firstly Lastly", "creditCardNumber": "4111111111111111", "creditCardPostalCode": "22042", "creditCardState": "California", "creditCardType": "Visa", "type": "CreditCard"}}' [ { "success": true, "id": "4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5" } ] # find all payment methods for a given account zuora-query -u $ZUSER -p $ZPASS -e sandbox "Select Id, CreditCardMaskNumber from PaymentMethod where AccountId = '4028e6992a031d78012a1b132dba1c9b'" [ { "creditCardMaskNumber": "************1111", "id": "4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5" }, ] # make above added payment method to be default for the account zuora-update -u $ZUSER -p $ZPASS -e sandbox '{"Account": {"id": "4028e6992a031d78012a1b132dba1c9b", "defaultPaymentMethodId": "4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5"}}' [ { "success": true, "id": "4028e6992a031d78012a1b132dba1c9b" } ] # check account's default payment method zuora-query -u $ZUSER -p $ZPASS -e sandbox "Select DefaultPaymentMethodId from Account where Id = '4028e6992a031d78012a1b132dba1c9b'" [ { "defaultPaymentMethodId": "4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5" } ] # delete payment method zuora-delete -u $ZUSER -p $ZPASS -e sandbox -t PaymentMethod -i 4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5 [ { "success": true, "id": "4028e6992b31191e012b3cf9a3b338c5" } ]
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