Module creates an Azure VPN Server. It includes the following resources:
- read local public key file
- Azure VM creation via module with custom bootstrap script for VPN server
- creation and application of VPN server configuration
- creation and download of VPN client connection file
- terraform >= 1.2.6
- Azure provider >= 3.0.0
This modules makes use of the output from other modules:
- Azure Resource Group -
- Azure VNet -
- Azure Subnets -
- Azure SSH Key -
locals {
name_prefix = "myexample"
region = "eastus"
vnet_cidr = ""
subnet_cidrs = cidrsubnets(local.vnet_cidr, 2, 2)
ingress_cidr = local.subnet_cidrs[0]
internal_cidr = local.subnet_cidrs[1]
module "resource_group" {
source = ""
resource_group_name = "${local.name_prefix}-rg"
region = local.region
module "vnet" {
source = ""
name_prefix = local.name_prefix
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
address_prefixes = [local.vnet_cidr]
module "ingress-subnet" {
source = ""
label = "ingress"
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
vnet_name =
ipv4_cidr_blocks = [local.ingress_cidr]
acl_rules = []
module "internal-subnet" {
source = ""
label = "internal"
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
vnet_name =
ipv4_cidr_blocks = [local.internal_cidr]
acl_rules = []
module "nsg" {
source = ""
name_prefix = local.name_prefix
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
virtual_network_name =
subnet_ids = []
acl_rules = [{
name = "ssh-inbound" // Required for VPN configuration
priority = "102"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
direction = "Inbound"
source_addr = "*"
destination_addr = "*"
source_ports = "*"
destination_ports = "22"
name = "vpn-inbound-tcp"
priority = "103"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
direction = "Inbound"
source_addr = "*"
destination_addr = "*"
source_ports = "*"
destination_ports = "443"
name = "vpn-inbound-udp"
priority = "104"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Udp"
direction = "Inbound"
source_addr = "*"
destination_addr = "*"
source_ports = "*"
destination_ports = "1194"
module "route-table" {
source = ""
name_prefix = local.name_prefix
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
subnet_ids = [,]
routes = [{
name = "internal-route"
address_prefix = local.vnet_cidr
next_hop_type = "VnetLocal"
next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
module "ssh-keys" {
source = ""
key_name = "${local.name_prefix}-key"
resource_group_name =
region = module.resource_group.region
store_path = "${path.cwd}/.ssh"
module "vpn-server" {
source = ""
name_prefix = "${local.name_prefix}-vpn"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
subnet_id =
pub_ssh_key_file = module.ssh-keys.pub_key_file
private_key_file = module.ssh-keys.private_key_file
private_network_cidrs = [local.vnet_cidr]
This module has the following input variables:
Variable | Mandatory / Optional | Default Value | Description |
resource_group_name | Mandatory | The resource group to which to associate the VPN Server | |
virtual_network_name | Mandatory | The virtual network to which to associate the VPN Server | |
subnet_id | Mandatory | The id of the subnet to which to associate the VPN Server | |
pub_ssh_key_file | Mandatory | Path to the public SSH key for VPN Server access. | |
private_key_file | Mandatory | Path to the private SSH key for VPN Server access. | |
private_network_cidrs | Mandatory | List of CIDRs in the private network reachable via the VPN server. | |
private_dns | Optional | [""] | List of private DNS servers. |
name_prefix | Optional | open-vpn | Name to prefix resources created |
client_network | Optional | | Network address for VPN clients (default = "") |
client_network_bits | Optional | 24 | Number of netmask bits for the VPN client network (default = "24") |
private_ip_address_allocation_type | Optional | Dynamic | The Azure subnet private ip address alocation type - Dynamic or Static (default = "Dynamic") |
admin_username | Optional | azureuser | Username for the admin user (default = "azureuser") |
bootstrap_script | Mandatory | Path to file with the bootstrap script (default = "./template/") | |
vm_size | Optional | Standard_F2 | This is the size of Virtual Machine (defualt = "Standard_F2") |
storage_type | Optional | Standard_LRS | Storage account type |
vm_public_ip_sku | Optional | Standard | Public IP SKU Size (default = "Standard" |
vm_public_ip_allocation_method | Optional | Static | The Azure subnet Public ip address alocation type - Dynamic or Static (default = "Static" |
The module outputs the following values:
Output | Description |
id | The Id of the deployed vpn server |
vm_public_ip | The address of the public IP if created |
vm_public_fqdn | The FQDN of the public IP if created |
vm_private_ip | The address of the VM on the supplied subnet |
admin_username | The name of the administrator username |
client_config_file | VPN server client configuration file to connect vpn server |