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Move client-side stream protocol test helpers to a separate module
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So that they can be used from multiple test suites.
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gomoripeti committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent 28cc121 commit 9db4317
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Showing 2 changed files with 161 additions and 121 deletions.
143 changes: 22 additions & 121 deletions deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/protocol_interop_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,110 +322,32 @@ amqp_filter_expression(Config) ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

publish_via_stream_protocol(Stream, Config) ->
%% There is no open source Erlang RabbitMQ Stream client.
%% Therefore, we have to build the Stream protocol commands manually.

StreamPort = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config, 0, tcp_port_stream),
{ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", StreamPort, [{active, false}, {mode, binary}]),

C0 = rabbit_stream_core:init(0),
PeerPropertiesFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {peer_properties, #{}}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, PeerPropertiesFrame),
{{response, 1, {peer_properties, _, _}}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(S, C0),

ok = gen_tcp:send(S, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, sasl_handshake})),
{{response, _, {sasl_handshake, _, _}}, C2} = receive_stream_commands(S, C1),
Username = <<"guest">>,
Password = <<"guest">>,
Null = 0,
PlainSasl = <<Null:8, Username/binary, Null:8, Password/binary>>,
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 2, {sasl_authenticate, <<"PLAIN">>, PlainSasl}})),
{{response, 2, {sasl_authenticate, _}}, C3} = receive_stream_commands(S, C2),
{{tune, DefaultFrameMax, _}, C4} = receive_stream_commands(S, C3),

ok = gen_tcp:send(S, rabbit_stream_core:frame({response, 0, {tune, DefaultFrameMax, 0}})),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 3, {open, <<"/">>}})),
{{response, 3, {open, _, _ConnectionProperties}}, C5} = receive_stream_commands(S, C4),

CreateStreamFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {create_stream, Stream, #{}}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, CreateStreamFrame),
{{response, 1, {create_stream, _}}, C6} = receive_stream_commands(S, C5),
{ok, S, C0} = stream_test_utils:connect(Config, 0),

{ok, C1} = stream_test_utils:create_stream(S, C0, Stream),

PublisherId = 99,
DeclarePublisherFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {declare_publisher, PublisherId, <<>>, Stream}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, DeclarePublisherFrame),
{{response, 1, {declare_publisher, _}}, C7} = receive_stream_commands(S, C6),

M1 = simple_entry(1, <<"m1">>),
M2 = simple_entry(2, <<"m2">>, #'v1_0.application_properties'{
content = [{{utf8, <<"my key">>},
{utf8, <<"my value">>}}]}),
M3 = simple_entry(3, <<"m3">>),
{ok, C2} = stream_test_utils:declare_publisher(S, C1, Stream, PublisherId),

M1 = stream_test_utils:simple_entry(1, <<"m1">>),
M2 = stream_test_utils:simple_entry(2, <<"m2">>, #'v1_0.application_properties'{
content = [{{utf8, <<"my key">>},
{utf8, <<"my value">>}}]}),
M3 = stream_test_utils:simple_entry(3, <<"m3">>),
Messages1 = [M1, M2, M3],
PublishFrame1 = rabbit_stream_core:frame({publish, PublisherId, length(Messages1), Messages1}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, PublishFrame1),
{{publish_confirm, PublisherId, _}, C8} = receive_stream_commands(S, C7),

UncompressedSubbatch = sub_batch_entry_uncompressed(4, [<<"m4">>, <<"m5">>, <<"m6">>]),
PublishFrame2 = rabbit_stream_core:frame({publish, PublisherId, 3, UncompressedSubbatch}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, PublishFrame2),
{{publish_confirm, PublisherId, _}, C9} = receive_stream_commands(S, C8),

CompressedSubbatch = sub_batch_entry_compressed(5, [<<"m7">>, <<"m8">>, <<"m9">>]),
PublishFrame3 = rabbit_stream_core:frame({publish, PublisherId, 3, CompressedSubbatch}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, PublishFrame3),
{{publish_confirm, PublisherId, _}, C10} = receive_stream_commands(S, C9),

M10 = simple_entry(6, <<"m10">>),
M11 = simple_entry(7, <<"m11">>),

{ok, _, C3} = stream_test_utils:publish_entries(S, C2, PublisherId, length(Messages1), Messages1),

UncompressedSubbatch = stream_test_utils:sub_batch_entry_uncompressed(4, [<<"m4">>, <<"m5">>, <<"m6">>]),
{ok, _, C4} = stream_test_utils:publish_entries(S, C3, PublisherId, 3, UncompressedSubbatch),

CompressedSubbatch = stream_test_utils:sub_batch_entry_compressed(5, [<<"m7">>, <<"m8">>, <<"m9">>]),
{ok, _, C5} = stream_test_utils:publish_entries(S, C4, PublisherId, 3, CompressedSubbatch),

M10 = stream_test_utils:simple_entry(6, <<"m10">>),
M11 = stream_test_utils:simple_entry(7, <<"m11">>),
Messages2 = [M10, M11],
PublishFrame4 = rabbit_stream_core:frame({publish, PublisherId, length(Messages2), Messages2}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, PublishFrame4),
{{publish_confirm, PublisherId, _}, _C11} = receive_stream_commands(S, C10).

%% Streams contain AMQP 1.0 encoded messages.
%% In this case, the AMQP 1.0 encoded message contains a single data section.
simple_entry(Sequence, Body)
when is_binary(Body) ->
DataSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
DataSectSize = byte_size(DataSect),
<<Sequence:64, 0:1, DataSectSize:31, DataSect:DataSectSize/binary>>.

%% Streams contain AMQP 1.0 encoded messages.
%% In this case, the AMQP 1.0 encoded message consists of an application-properties section and a data section.
simple_entry(Sequence, Body, AppProps)
when is_binary(Body) ->
AppPropsSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(AppProps)),
DataSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
Sects = <<AppPropsSect/binary, DataSect/binary>>,
SectSize = byte_size(Sects),
<<Sequence:64, 0:1, SectSize:31, Sects:SectSize/binary>>.

%% Here, each AMQP 1.0 encoded message consists of an application-properties section and a data section.
%% All data sections are delivered uncompressed in 1 batch.
sub_batch_entry_uncompressed(Sequence, Bodies) ->
Batch = lists:foldl(fun(Body, Acc) ->
AppProps = #'v1_0.application_properties'{
content = [{{utf8, <<"my key">>}, {utf8, <<"my value">>}}]},
Sect0 = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(AppProps)),
Sect1 = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
Sect = <<Sect0/binary, Sect1/binary>>,
<<Acc/binary, 0:1, (byte_size(Sect)):31, Sect/binary>>
end, <<>>, Bodies),
Size = byte_size(Batch),
<<Sequence:64, 1:1, 0:3, 0:4, (length(Bodies)):16, Size:32, Size:32, Batch:Size/binary>>.

%% Here, each AMQP 1.0 encoded message contains a single data section.
%% All data sections are delivered in 1 gzip compressed batch.
sub_batch_entry_compressed(Sequence, Bodies) ->
Uncompressed = lists:foldl(fun(Body, Acc) ->
Bin = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
<<Acc/binary, Bin/binary>>
end, <<>>, Bodies),
Compressed = zlib:gzip(Uncompressed),
CompressedLen = byte_size(Compressed),
<<Sequence:64, 1:1, 1:3, 0:4, (length(Bodies)):16, (byte_size(Uncompressed)):32,
CompressedLen:32, Compressed:CompressedLen/binary>>.
{ok, _, _C6} = stream_test_utils:publish_entries(S, C5, PublisherId, length(Messages2), Messages2).

connection_config(Config) ->
Host = ?config(rmq_hostname, Config),
Expand All @@ -435,27 +357,6 @@ connection_config(Config) ->
container_id => <<"my container">>,
sasl => {plain, <<"guest">>, <<"guest">>}}.

receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0) ->
case rabbit_stream_core:next_command(C0) of
empty ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, 5000) of
{ok, Data} ->
C1 = rabbit_stream_core:incoming_data(Data, C0),
case rabbit_stream_core:next_command(C1) of
empty ->
{ok, Data2} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, 5000),
rabbit_stream_core:incoming_data(Data2, C1));
Res ->
{error, Err} ->
ct:fail("error receiving stream data ~w", [Err])
Res ->

receive_amqp_messages(Receiver, N) ->
receive_amqp_messages0(Receiver, N, []).

Expand Down
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/stream_test_utils.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
%% FIXME this clause is copied from protocol_interop_SUITE.erl

%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
%% file, You can obtain one at
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2023 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

%% There is no open source Erlang RabbitMQ Stream client.
%% Therefore, we have to build the Stream protocol commands manually.


-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).


-define(RESPONSE_CODE_OK, 1).

connect(Config, Node) ->
StreamPort = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config, Node, tcp_port_stream),
{ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", StreamPort, [{active, false}, {mode, binary}]),

C0 = rabbit_stream_core:init(0),
PeerPropertiesFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {peer_properties, #{}}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, PeerPropertiesFrame),
{{response, 1, {peer_properties, _, _}}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0),

ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, sasl_handshake})),
{{response, _, {sasl_handshake, _, _}}, C2} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C1),
Username = <<"guest">>,
Password = <<"guest">>,
Null = 0,
PlainSasl = <<Null:8, Username/binary, Null:8, Password/binary>>,
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 2, {sasl_authenticate, <<"PLAIN">>, PlainSasl}})),
{{response, 2, {sasl_authenticate, _}}, C3} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C2),
{{tune, DefaultFrameMax, _}, C4} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C3),

ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, rabbit_stream_core:frame({response, 0, {tune, DefaultFrameMax, 0}})),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 3, {open, <<"/">>}})),
{{response, 3, {open, _, _ConnectionProperties}}, C5} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C4),
{ok, Sock, C5}.

create_stream(Sock, C0, Stream) ->
CreateStreamFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {create_stream, Stream, #{}}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, CreateStreamFrame),
{{response, 1, {create_stream, ?RESPONSE_CODE_OK}}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0),
{ok, C1}.

declare_publisher(Sock, C0, Stream, PublisherId) ->
DeclarePublisherFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {declare_publisher, PublisherId, <<>>, Stream}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, DeclarePublisherFrame),
{{response, 1, {declare_publisher, ?RESPONSE_CODE_OK}}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0),
{ok, C1}.

subscribe(Sock, C0, Stream, SubscriptionId, InitialCredit) ->
SubscribeFrame = rabbit_stream_core:frame({request, 1, {subscribe, SubscriptionId, Stream, _OffsetSpec = first, InitialCredit, _Props = #{}}}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, SubscribeFrame),
{{response, 1, {subscribe, ?RESPONSE_CODE_OK}}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0),
{ok, C1}.

publish(Sock, C0, PublisherId, Sequence0, Payloads) ->
SeqIds = lists:seq(Sequence0, Sequence0 + length(Payloads) - 1),
Messages = [simple_entry(Seq, P)
|| {Seq, P} <- lists:zip(SeqIds, Payloads)],
{ok, SeqIds, C1} = publish_entries(Sock, C0, PublisherId, length(Messages), Messages),
{ok, C1}.

publish_entries(Sock, C0, PublisherId, MsgCount, Messages) ->
PublishFrame1 = rabbit_stream_core:frame({publish, PublisherId, MsgCount, Messages}),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, PublishFrame1),
{{publish_confirm, PublisherId, SeqIds}, C1} = receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0),
{ok, SeqIds, C1}.

%% Streams contain AMQP 1.0 encoded messages.
%% In this case, the AMQP 1.0 encoded message contains a single data section.
simple_entry(Sequence, Body)
when is_binary(Body) ->
DataSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
DataSectSize = byte_size(DataSect),
<<Sequence:64, 0:1, DataSectSize:31, DataSect:DataSectSize/binary>>.

%% Streams contain AMQP 1.0 encoded messages.
%% In this case, the AMQP 1.0 encoded message consists of an application-properties section and a data section.
simple_entry(Sequence, Body, AppProps)
when is_binary(Body) ->
AppPropsSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(AppProps)),
DataSect = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
Sects = <<AppPropsSect/binary, DataSect/binary>>,
SectSize = byte_size(Sects),
<<Sequence:64, 0:1, SectSize:31, Sects:SectSize/binary>>.

%% Here, each AMQP 1.0 encoded message consists of an application-properties section and a data section.
%% All data sections are delivered uncompressed in 1 batch.
sub_batch_entry_uncompressed(Sequence, Bodies) ->
Batch = lists:foldl(fun(Body, Acc) ->
AppProps = #'v1_0.application_properties'{
content = [{{utf8, <<"my key">>}, {utf8, <<"my value">>}}]},
Sect0 = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(AppProps)),
Sect1 = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
Sect = <<Sect0/binary, Sect1/binary>>,
<<Acc/binary, 0:1, (byte_size(Sect)):31, Sect/binary>>
end, <<>>, Bodies),
Size = byte_size(Batch),
<<Sequence:64, 1:1, 0:3, 0:4, (length(Bodies)):16, Size:32, Size:32, Batch:Size/binary>>.

%% Here, each AMQP 1.0 encoded message contains a single data section.
%% All data sections are delivered in 1 gzip compressed batch.
sub_batch_entry_compressed(Sequence, Bodies) ->
Uncompressed = lists:foldl(fun(Body, Acc) ->
Bin = iolist_to_binary(amqp10_framing:encode_bin(#''{content = Body})),
<<Acc/binary, Bin/binary>>
end, <<>>, Bodies),
Compressed = zlib:gzip(Uncompressed),
CompressedLen = byte_size(Compressed),
<<Sequence:64, 1:1, 1:3, 0:4, (length(Bodies)):16, (byte_size(Uncompressed)):32,
CompressedLen:32, Compressed:CompressedLen/binary>>.

receive_stream_commands(Sock, C0) ->
case rabbit_stream_core:next_command(C0) of
empty ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, 5000) of
{ok, Data} ->
C1 = rabbit_stream_core:incoming_data(Data, C0),
case rabbit_stream_core:next_command(C1) of
empty ->
{ok, Data2} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, 5000),
rabbit_stream_core:incoming_data(Data2, C1));
Res ->
{error, Err} ->
ct:fail("error receiving stream data ~w", [Err])
Res ->

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