The TrinityX Terraform project will used by the TrinityX project. It will create the infrastructure depending on the user selection.
To Create Infrastructure from TrinityX follow these steps:
Git Clone Trinityx Terraform Git Repository.
Rename or create a new variable file in the Cloud Providers root directory from "terraform.tfvars.example" to "terraform.tfvars".
Only create AWS, if need to install TrinityX on AWS, same applies for others. For Example:
AWS Variable File AWS
Azure Variable File Azure
GCP Variable File GCP
VSphere Variable File VSphere
Run below commands to create the infrastructure.
cd trinityx-terraform/{CLOUD} ## Go to the cloud provider directory. Example: "cd trinityx-terraform/azure" OR "cd trinityx-terraform/aws" OR "cd trinityx-terraform/gcp"
terraform init ## Prepare the working directory for other commands.
terraform validate ## Check whether the configuration is valid.
terraform plan -out trinityx-tfplan ## Show changes required by the current configuration. Example: "trinityx-azure-tfplan" OR "trinityx-aws-tfplan" OR "trinityx-gcp-tfplan"
terraform apply trinityx-tfplan ## Create or update infrastructure. Example: "trinityx-azure-tfplan" OR "trinityx-aws-tfplan" OR "trinityx-gcp-tfplan"
# terraform destroy ## Destroy previously-created infrastructure. But Need State file to be present in main directory
- NOTE: In case of multiple Cloud Providers, repeat above commands in respect to the Cloud Provider.
- NOTE: Supported HostList format(s). Choose any one:
azure_hostlist = ""
azure_hostlist = "azvm[001-004]"
azure_hostlist = "azvm[001-004]Trinity"
azure_hostlist = "[001-004]Trinity"
Now, Follow the cloud provider directory for more details, about how to login and get credentials, etc.
AWS Click Here...
Azure Click Here...
GCP Click Here...
VSphere Click Here...
We have scheduled a first release in somewhere in September 2024
As of now, in this stage we're not taking any contribution from the outside of the TrinityX Team.
See the TrinityX License here
Currently we're on the development phase, so you can expect the half code, mistakes, here.