This is the repository for my personal website. I like simple and effective tools and designs, and so I have sought the simplest technologies I can possibly manage to design and build my personal website.
- Javascript
- Neovim
- VS Code
- Github Pages
- Write Homepage
- Write blog posts x 5
- Shooting for 5-10 minute reads.
- 2000-2500 words without visuals
- Get Headshots taken
- Make list of upcoming engagements
- Make list of previous engagments
- Add shadow to Navbar
- Fix coloring in the dropdown menu
- Add photographs
- Add padding to all paragraphs
- Refactor website with js navbar
- Finish JS class on codecademy.
- Fix navbar on mobile.
- fix broken teaching page.
- Figure out contact page
- Add C projects to secondary repositories so that they can stand out more.
- Make media dropdown menu