Codeneric has only forked the original VSCode Hack extension to make some use case specific modifications. Thus, all the credit for the awesome extension goes to Pranay Agarwal. Furthermore, this fork will not implement all the new Hack language features, because we are focusing on transpiling Hack to PHP rather than building native Hack applications. This fork might be instersting for you if you want to build WordPress plugins with Hack, otherwise you should probably stay with Pranay's repo.
run vsce package
This extension adds rich Hack language & HHVM support to Visual Studio Code. Visit to get started with Hack.
It is published in the Visual Studio Marketplace here. To install, search for "Hack" in the VS Code extensions tab or run the following command (⌘+P): ext install vscode-hack
- Experimental Language Server support - If you are running HHVM 3.23 or later, add
"hack.useLanguageServer": true
to your workspace config to start hh_client in Language Server mode (see #15 for more context). - Support for running against a containerized Hack typecheck server (see Docker section in README). Thanks @beatscode!
- Fixed #13 - Running formatter removes last line of file if there is no trailing newline. Thanks @beefsack!
See the full list of releases and features added on the Github releases page as well as the project changelog.
- Type Checking
- Autocomplete
- Hover Hints
- Document Symbol Outline
- Workspace Symbol Search
- Document Formatting
- Go To/Peek Definition
- Find All References
- Hack Coverage Check
This extension is supported on Linux and Mac OS X 10.10 onwards (see HHVM compatibility). The latest versions of Hack typechecking tools (hh_client
and hh_server
) are required on the local machine. The workspace should have a .hhconfig
file at its root.
This extension adds the following Visual Studio Code settings. These can be set in user preferences (⌘+,) or workspace settings (.vscode/settings.json
: Absolute path to the hh_client executable. This can be left empty if hh_client is already in your environment $PATH. Adocker exec
command is supported as well.hack.workspaceRootPath
: Absolute path to the workspace root directory. This will be the VS Code workspace root by default, but can be changed if the project is in a subdirectory or mounted in a Docker container.hack.enableCoverageCheck
: Enable calculation of Hack type coverage percentage for every file and display in status bar (default:false
: [Experimental] Start hh_client in Language Server mode. Only works for HHVM version 3.23 and above (default:false
The extension can be used in a contanerized development environment. Simply configure clientPath
to be a docker exec
command and specify a workspaceRootPath
E.g. if your container was started using
$ docker run -d -t --name my-hhvm -v /home/user/repos/project:/mnt/project hhvm/hhvm:latest
"hack.clientPath": "docker exec -i my-hhvm hh_client",
"hack.workspaceRootPath": "/mnt/project"
Please file all bugs, issues, feature requests etc. at the GitHub issues page.
There are lots of ways to help! You can file new bugs and feature requests, or fix a pending one. To contribute to the source code, fork the repository on GitHub and create a pull request. Check out the VS Code extension development guide to get started.
The source code for this extension is hosted at and is available under the MIT license.