Guidelines for modern C coding, including style conventions and layout organization.
Still a work in progress.
::= extern
::= static
The following groupings should appear in all C header files in the following order:
1. Heading comment
2. Doxygen file prologue
3. Release statement and copyright
4-s. Header file include guard (opening)
5-s. C language link (opening)
6. Header file inclusions (when NEEDED instead of forward declarations)
7. Pre-processor definitions
8. Forward declarations (when NEEDED in this header file)
9. Public types (definitions: const, enum, struct, ...)
10. Public data (declarations: global, extern, static with extern)
11. Inline functions (definitions)
12. Public function prototypes (declarations)
5-e. C language link (closing)
4-e. Header file include guard (closing)
* @file example.h
* @author {YourName} ({[email protected]})
// 2. Doxygen file prologue
* @brief Example header file.
* @details This header file shows an example of the layout and grouping order.
// 3. Release statement and copyright
* @version {major}.{minor}.{path}{-{pre.release}(optional)}
* @date YYYY-MM-DD
* @copyright Copyright {YYYY}. {Your{Name|Company}} All rights reserved.
| Released under the {YourLicense a}. See LICENSE file for details.
// 4-s. Header file include guard (opening)
#ifndef EXAMPLE_H
#define EXAMPLE_H
// 5-s. C language link (opening)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif // defined(__cplusplus)
// 6. Header file inclusions (when NEEDED instead of forward declarations)
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "foo.h"
// 7. Pre-processor definitions
#define EXAMPLE_MAX_SIZE 100
// 8. Forward declarations (when NEEDED in this header file)
typedef struct Foo Foo;
// 9. Public types (definitions)
enum eExampleType {
eExampleType_None = -1,
eExampleType_Foo = 0,
typedef int32_t ExampleType;
typedef struct Point Point;
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
typedef struct Bar Bar;
struct Bar {
ExampleType type;
Foo foo;
Point p;
static char const* const kBarTypeName = "Bar";
static int const kBarInitX = 0;
static int const kBarInitY = 0;
static Point const kBarInitPoint = {kBarInitX, kBarInitY};
// 10. Public data (declarations)
extern int gBarCreatedCount;
extern int gBarDestroyedCount;
// 11. Inline functions (definitions)
static inline Point Point_AddPoint(Point p, Point q) {
return (Point){
.x = p.x + q.x,
.y = p.y + q.y
static inline Point Point_Scale(Point p, int s) {
return (Point){
.x = p.x * s,
.y = p.y * s
// 12. Public function prototypes (declarations)
bool ProcessData(uint8_t const* refData, size_t size);
Bar* Bar_Create();
Bar* Bar_Initialize(Bar* outBar, Foo foo, Point p);
void Bar_Destroy(Bar** outBarPtr);
// 5-e. C language link (closing)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // defined(__cplusplus)
// 4-e. Header file include guard (closing)
#endif // !EXAMPLE_H
The following groupings should appear in all C source files in the following order:
1. Heading comment
2. Doxygen file prologue
3. Release statement and copyright
4. Header file inclusions (only those that are NECESSARY)
5. Pre-processor definitions
6. Private types (definitions)
7. Private data (definitions)
8. Private function prototypes (declarations)
9. Public data (definitions)
10. Public functions (definitions)
11. Private functions (definitions)
// 1. Heading comment
* @file example.c
* @author {YourName} ({[email protected]})
// 2. Doxygen file prologue
* @brief Example source file.
* @details This source file provides implementations for functions declared in example.h.
// 3. Release statement and copyright
* @version {major}.{minor}.{path}{-{pre.release}(optional)}
* @date YYYY-MM-DD
* @copyright Copyright {YYYY} {Your{Name|Company}}. All rights reserved.
| Released under the {YourLicense a}. See LICENSE file for details.
// 4. Header file inclusions (only those that are NECESSARY)
#include "example.h"
#include <stdbool.h> // Include standard boolean type
#include <stdio.h> // Include standard I/O library for printf
#include <stdlib.h> // Include standard library for malloc
// 5. Pre-processor definitions
#define EXAMPLE_ADD(_x, _y) ((_x) + (_y))
#define EXAMPLE_SUB(_x, _y) ((_x) + (_y))
#define EXAMPLE_MAX(_a, _b) (((_a) < (_b)) ? (_b) : (_a))
#define EXAMPLE_MIN(_a, _b) (((_a) > (_b)) ? (_b) : (_a))
# define ASSERT(_condition) \
do { \
if (!(_condition)) { \
(void)fprintf( \
stderr, "%s:%d: Assertion '%s' failed.\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, #_condition \
); \
__builtin_trap(); \
} \
} while(0)
# define ASSERT(condition) ((void)0)
#define EXAMPLE_SWAP(_T, _a, _b) \
do { \
_T __t = (_a); \
(_a) = (_b); \
(_b) = __t; \
} while (0)
#define EXAMPLE_DO_ASSIGN(_a, _b) do { (_a) = (_b); } while (0)
#define EXAMPLE_TYPE_IS_FOO(_obj) ((_obj).type == eExampleType_Foo)
// 6. Private types (definitions)
typedef struct Baz Baz;
struct Baz {
ExampleType type;
Bar bar;
float value;
// 7. Private data (definitions)
static int sCurrentBarCount = 0;
// 8. Private function prototypes (declarations)
static void TestPoint();
static char const* ExampleType_ToStringType(ExampleType type);
// 9. Public Data (definitions)
int gBarCreatedCount = 0; // Initialize global variable
int gBarDestroyedCount = 0; // Initialize global variable
// 10. Public functions (definitions)
bool ProcessData(uint8_t const* refData, size_t size) {
// Implementation of ProcessData function
return true;
Bar* Bar_Create() {
return (Bar*)malloc(sizeof(Bar));
Bar* Bar_Initialize(Bar* outBar, Foo foo, Point p) {
outBar->type = eExampleType_Bar;
outBar->foo = foo;
outBar->p = p;
return outBar;
void Bar_Destroy(Bar** outBarPtr) {
*outBarPtr = NULL;
int main() {
Bar* bar = Bar_Initialize(Bar_Create(), (Foo){.type = eExampleType_Foo, .value = 42}, kBarInitPoint);
ASSERT(bar->type == eExampleType_Bar);
ASSERT(gBarCreatedCount == 1);
ASSERT(gBarDestroyedCount == 0);
ASSERT(sCurrentBarCount == 1);
char const* const typeName = ExampleType_ToStringType(bar->type);
if (!bar) {
printf("%s object was successfully destroyed.\n", typeName);
ASSERT(gBarCreatedCount == 1);
ASSERT(gBarDestroyedCount == 1);
ASSERT(sCurrentBarCount == 0);
return 0;
// 11. Private functions (definitions)
void TestPoint() {
// ...
char const* ExampleType_ToStringType(ExampleType type) {
switch (type) {
case eExampleType_Foo:
return kFooTypeName;
case eExampleType_Bar:
return kBarTypeName;
return "Unknown";
Syque's C Style/CHAPTER 7 : File Layout
NuttX documentation's C Coding Standard/File Organization
Axom documentation's Coding Guidelines/4 Header File Organization