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Releases: coffincolors/winlator

MangoHud for Winlator Glibc - Fixed** GPU/CPU stats

20 Jan 03:38
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Huge thanks to @hisham2630 of DarkOS for providing the source code for his implementation for certain hardware stats, which made this release possible (or significantly faster).


  • Battery Stats: Requires root access and SELinux enforcement disabled. Other stats do not require root access.**
  • Limitations: I/O RW is not implemented, and some features might not work on Android.
  • Fork: Source code will be available on my MangoHub repo for contributions as soon as I prepare it.
  • Compatibility: Currently works only with Glibc environments. **GPU Load on the Adreno a618 and a619 is currently not supported.
  • OpenGL: Can be enabled with MANGOHUD_DLSYM however, I cannot get it working in my testing. If you get different results, let me know.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Set the following environment variables in your Winlator container settings:

    • MANGOHUD=1
    • Optionally: MANGOHUD_CONFIG=engine_version,gpu_temp,fps,frametime,ram,vulkan_driver,arch
      (You can customize these. See MangoHud Parameters).
  2. Download and unzip somewhere on your storage.

  3. Launch a Glibc 😉 container, and Run the provided install_mangohud.bat:

    • This will merge the usr directory with the existing usr directory in Wine's Z: drive.
  4. Alternatively:

    • Copy the usr directory manually to your Wine Z:/ drive and merge it.
  5. You're all set! Launch your Wine application to enjoy MangoHud overlays.

This will be included by default in the next Winlator Cmod release.



Winlator Corefonts Pack (Fixes Steam UI, Epic Games Launcher, and others in Winlator Glibc)

23 Nov 20:04
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While I continue working on Cmod V12 and my implementation of Winetricks I've got a little surprise. This pack will fix the UI issues in Steam, Epic Games Launcher, and others. Follow the instructions per the folder names, or read this short guide:

  1. Download the Winlator Corefonts
  2. Extract it
  3. Launch a 9.2 container in Cmod, Amod, or Frost, (might work in others idk - but it must be Winlator Glibc)
  4. Copy the contents of folder 1 directly to Drive Z, (the home, usr, and opt directories)
  5. Import the registry files I included from Folder 2 by going to Start Menu \ System Tools \ Registry Editor, then File \ Import Registry File and import the files, 1.reg, 2.reg, and 3.reg
  6. Launch Steam

(Step 3 and 4 are optional if you have issues)

Login by typing your credentials, no more QR code, and now working fonts in Steam and other source engine games!

Latest Steam (Use steam.cfg from Longjunyu2 old steam to prevent updates. Or just use Longjunyu2's old steam with "-vgui" added to the included 1.bat file:

Epic Games Launcher (Install on PC and copy files directly to Winlator, then use WineD3D to see the Store/Library):

Wine 9.2 from Winlator 8.0r1 for Glibc - BrunoSX latest commits + Longjunyu2 Xinput/Dinput

20 Dec 16:02
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This is Bruno's latest commits from his wine-custom repo for Winlator 8.0, but recompiled to work on Glibc. This means it contains the latest Winlator 8.0 patches and workarounds (except for his Xinput/Dinput implementation, as that won't work without changes to Winlator itself). It will likely be the included default in Cmod v12. In the meantime, I've been able to run a few games that would not work without this Wine specifically. Make sure to add the following Environmental Variables:

Key = Value


There are a few other env vars worth looking into but games I've tested successfully so far:

Deus Ex - Mankind Divided (DX12 only, requires WINEVMEMMAXSIZE)
GRIP: Combat Racing - Requires (WINEFORCENTCONTINUE)
Need for Speed ProStreet - Fixes the UI in the menu by default

There are I'm sure plenty of more games/apps to be tested. But think of this as a preview of things to come.

Other features added to wine:

Restart/Reconfigure Container via Start Menu
WINEOVERRIDEAFFINITYMASK which I haven't quite figured out how to use yet, but it forces the task affinity to a value you set
WINVERSION forces the selected windows version as Wine's current default, such as "winxp" or "win7"

I will push the source code for this to my wine-custom forked repo. In the meantime, you can download the .wcp here!

Deus Ex - Mankind Divided (DX12, Glibc):

GRIP: Combat Racing:

Need for Speed ProStreet:

Note: For GRIP and Deus Ex, I highly recommend turning OFF debug logs. Make sure you use VKD3D for Deus Ex, and turn on DirectX 12 in the splash screen configuration.

Box64 3.1 f651b7b for Winlator Glibc (Better DRM Handling)

04 Nov 18:35
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Update: Future releases can be found here:

Per PtitSeb: "FYI, I have just pushed a commit on box64 to improve handling of memory protection bit. It should improve behaviour with DRM/Encrypted stuffs like UPlay, Denuvo and co ... but it doesn't seems enough for now. It still should be a step in the right direction ..."

Commit Hash: ptitSeb/box64@f651b7b

You can install via Contents Manager on any Winlator Glibc. I compiled it directly from source

Tested and working but I've not tried anything that might benefit from this yet. Big thanks to PtitSeb for all that he does! No box64 = no Winlator


Box64 3.1 4e10cd6 for Winlator Glibc (FFVII + KH Audio Fix)

19 Oct 23:53
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Update: I had to fix an issue with the string for the name of the version once installed. It added an extra space before "-1" to the version name, causing it have issues when being saved as a shortcut setting

Per PtitSeb: Improved 0F 0D opcode ([ARM64_DYNAREC] too) (FF7RI now have sound)

Commit hash: ptitSeb/box64@4e10cd6

You can install via Contents Manager on any Winlator Glibc. I compiled it directly from source

Tested and launches Container but I have not yet tested games extensively. Hopefully this fixes audio issues in Final Fantasy VII Remake!

Winlator 7.1.3x Cmod GLIBC v11R2 - Revision - Removed Gamepad Configurator

21 Oct 21:48
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Separate apk for those having issues with triggers on your controller or bindings in general. Gamepad Configurator has been disabled.

-Turnip 24.3.0r9 by K1MCH11
-Box64 latest commit for FFVII Remake audio fix preinstalled (labeled as
-A Reset Properties button has been added to Shortcut Properties (Reset Playtime stats and Play count)
-VB 6.0 added to fix issues with installing repacks, thanks to Frost for the fix and Dark_Cobalt for the tip. It is listed in the Start Menu under Patches (unarc dependency)

-Xbox controller triggers can be bound to input controls again
-Xbox controllers will now work properly when using Trigger Is Button (Where most controls send a keycode for the triggers even with axis, Xbox One controller's do not. I now simulate a full axis press when Trigger is Button is enabled for Xbox controllers)

-The apk is smaller and uses the Winlator 8.0 container pattern without crashing
-Gamepad Configurator has been disabled for the time being until I can fix issues with input processing, this should resolve issues triggers getting stuck or bindings not mapping unexpectedly.
-Memory Management has been changed back to my implementation in the proot build and will no longer cause random crashing. (Same as v11fix1)

All in all, this may be better for some people until I can fix trigger handling for Gamepad Configurator. Sometimes less is more

Winlator 7.1.3x Cmod GLIBC v11fix1 - Big Picture Upgrade, NTSC Effect, Gamepad Configurator Beta, Gyro Revamp, Animated Wallpapers, Features and Fixes and More

18 Oct 02:44
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FIX 1 is Live, use that version or v11R2

Winlator Cmod has a theme song! Big shout out and thanks to my good friend Dale Melvin Blevens III (Fumer) for his exclusive track specifically for Cmod! Yeah that's right, Big Picture Mode has default music. But hey you can set you're own as well! Customize it how you see fit. Change your wallpaper. Remap your controls! Go CRAZY


-Big Picture Mode has been reworked, with custom wallpaper, custom music via YouTube or Mp3, better controls with a controller, and better screen layout on larger displays. I created 3 animated wallpapers you can try out but you can also set your own.
-Gyro Implementation Re-work: I've adjusted the sensitivity and added a pseudo calibration tool so you can get an idea of the sensitivity before you start the container. You can also remap most buttons to be your Gyro activator (L3 and R3 aren't working yet, sorry!). Great for that L1 Uncharted Golden Abyss gyro feel ;)
-Gamepad Configurator: Input Controls and Xidi isn't doing the trick? Forcefully remap your buttons to process as other buttons. This is brand new and still in beta but it's fairly useful for those games that just don't want to cooperate. You can find it in the container menu
-I've added a new NTSC Screen Effect filter for that old school CRT vibe (gamma is still broken, again, sorry!)
-The home button on Xbox and PS controllers and others will now open the Menu within Containers
-Turnip 24.3.0r7 and r8 by K1MCH11
-I've compiled Box64 3.1 on my own for Glibc with whatever latest nightly fixes are available. It's labeled as 3.2 for testing.

-Mice are no longer detected and considered Input Controllers, overriding your default input device and confusing applications My favorite fix TBH
-The included DXVK 2.4.1 and others are now properly packaged and should actually improve performance in some games like Far Cry 3 and others in my testing. Big thanks to Ajay for his guidance and providing the packages
-VirGL should work correctly now if it wasn't before, however, I have no way to test it.
-S̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶m̶a̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ ̶A̶P̶K̶ ̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶W̶i̶n̶l̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶8̶.̶0̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶a̶i̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶D̶L̶L̶ ̶O̶v̶e̶r̶r̶i̶d̶e̶s̶.̶ ̶W̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶t̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶
-FIX 1 Undoes this ^ it was causing hard crashes
-Lots of things, I should have made more commits

There will be bugs, I'll be on Discord and will try to address things when I have time. And then I have to work on Proot. I'm still trying to implement MangoHud support, I've compiled it but it crashes in my testing. If anyone has guidance on understanding swapchains and vk_instance layers feel free to reach out, it's much appreciated. And as always, enjoy!


Big Picture Upgrade:

NTSC Screen Effect

Gamepad Configurator

Winlator 7.1.3x Cmod GLIBC v10 - Compatibility Fixes! Screen Effects! Toon Shader! Import/Export Containers! Box64 Version Switching! Bugfixes and more!

28 Sep 18:36
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I've reverse engineered the new Screen Effects feature from Winlator 8.0 and added one of my own, a simple ToonShader! I'm very happy with the results. This means you now get Brightness/Contrast/Gamma controls, FXAA, and CRT screen filters as well. I've made a lot of changes to the Wine prefix, making this more of an Amod/Frost hybrid. I've also made some tweaks of my own, to fix issues with Mono and Gecko, like adding in an override for mscorre. This release also includes an offline installer for Mono and Gecko in the Runtime Libraries section of the start menu. I can't directly port over every new feature from Winlator 8.0 yet, but when Bruno releases the source code I will try my best. Which is why this remains 7.1.3. I call it 7.1.3x because it's basically a halfway point to 8.0, and still going by Longjunyu2's numbering scheme for Glibc specific changes.

However, this prefix I can guarantee a couple of major fixes, namely, no more UE4 Fatal Error for some games. Halo MCC is working! Fixes for FMV's in some titles. No more .Net warnings for new containers when Mono and Gecko are installed. I've also made a bug fixes to existing features of Cmod. I really think this is solid build. This is now a full on Frost/Amod hybrid! You'll get best results with new containers, in my experience, but start menu and prefix tweaks should still apply to existing containers to an extent.

-DXVK 2.4.1 and 2.4.1-gplasync built-in
-Screen Effects (Brightness controls, FXAA, CRT) from Winlator 8.0!
-ToonShader for ScreenEffects
-Import and Export containers! For recovering containers, or importing a friend's!
-Box64 Version Switching for shortcuts! Ignore the "2.7" when you first open a new shortcut, it goes by preferences in Setting until you set it yourself.
-Modified custom Wine - with optimizations from Frost Glibc, but merged with Amod hybrid, resulting in what you might call, AFCMod. lol. This brings Flash Player, Windows Media Player, Registry tweaks, and other neat additions
-ReactOS App Store shortcut is now functional. TBH I didn't even know this was a thing until this week!
-Offline installers for Mono and Gecko added to "4-Runtime Libraries" in start menu.
-Container Launching UI is adopted from Winlator 8.0

-No more UE4 Fatal Errors! Halo Master Chief Collection is working!
-Fixed Green screen for FMVs in some titles
-mscoree set to built-in then native, applied by default for new containers, correcting some issues with .net framework games and apps like HedgeModManager. Meaning, full support for Sonic Generations D3D11 Mod
-Fixed long text re-sizing for game titles in Big Picture Mode
-Fixed issues with Frontend Export path needing to be resaved every time you close and re-open the app
-Fixed Dark Mode theme sometimes randomly switching off half-way leaving a broken light theme interface until app restart
-many other changes and tweaks that I once again can't remember...

Still upcoming:
-Better menu control for Big Picture Mode when using a controller
-Background music for BPM
-Custom wallpaper for BPM
-Settings changes in BPM
-Custom game icons
-Hopefully reactive buttons for input controls from Winlator 8.0, though I may have to dissect some .smali

The source code is not up yet, as I use it to port my changes to Proot. I will of course upload it so others can adopt in the near future! As always, let me know of bugs and things via discord or other means and I'll see what I can do!

Import Containers:
Toon Shader:

Winlator 7.1.3 Cmod Glibc v9 - Big Picture Mode, Dark Mode, and MORE

23 Sep 17:49
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My biggest update by far is also the most stable. I've fixed many glitches and completely reworked turnip driver switching for shortcuts and containers, to stop all the nonsense. I've implemented the all new experimental work in progress Big Picture Mode as with Proot, as well as Dark Mode, which was the most extensive of the changes. But there are also many quality of life fixes as well, new animations for all the menus, and just overall- more stability. I think you'll find that this is release is the definitive Winlator Cmod

-Big Picture Mode with custom cover art and definable SteamGrid API Key button
-Dark Mode
-Frontend path defining
-Fullscreen Stretched Toggle
-Xinput Disabler for shortcuts
-Turnip 24.3.0r5 and 24.3.0r6 as and by K11MCH1
-UI Animations

-Xinput and Dinput switching for shortcuts
-Lots of things, so many I can't remember them all.

There may be spots i missed in dark mode. Also if the app glitches and thinks its in light mode in dark mode, just close and re-open it. Not sure if that's just a result of debugging and restarting the activity manually or something else. I hope you enjoy, cheers to STABILITY and NEW FEATURES!

More to come, especially for Big Picture Mode. Stay tuned!


Winlator 7.1.3b Cmod PROOT v9fix1 - Big Picture Mode, Dark Mode, UI Animations, Turnip Driver Switching for Shortcuts

21 Sep 23:55
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Fix 1 is live:
-Custom screen size text is now properly displayed in Dark Mode
-Turnip Driver Selection is now accurate based on the selection (finally)
-The navigation panel (main menu) text is now white
-The help buttons in the Box64 preset dialog are fixed

Not fixed:
-Input Controls changes while in-game still require you to restart the game. That will be fix2

This is a lot, I've added a "Big Picture Mode." It is accessible on the main menu via the new Screen Icon. It's essentially another Shortcuts menu that is a WIP- and sort of acts like a built-in Frontend. It's easy to use with a controller, and it will automatically download Cover Art for your Shortcut. You can also click on the image, and replace it with your own Custom Cover Art. This works using SteamGridDB's API. You can enter your own SteamGrid API Key in the Settings. If you click the Help button in Settings, you'll be taken to your SteamGrid profile where you can retrieve your key. I've also reorganized settings to clean it up into Tabs. I hope you find some use out of it! I plan to make it look nicer, add background music, fullscreen wallpaper, custom wallpaper, and more over time.

I've also added a dark mode throughout the program. I may have missed a few spots here and there. But it's...mostly done. This can also be enabled in settings under the new Interface Tab. Other settings have been relocated to Input and Advanced.

-Big Picture Mode
-Dark Mode
-Turnip Driver Switching for Shortcuts
-New UI animations for all menus, slide in slide out all that
-Other things I can't remember right now

-Updated Box86/Box64 versions and replaced non-working ones on Proot
-Removed Turnip 24.3.0r5 and r6 because they appear incompatible with Proot currently.
-Fixed issues with auto hide input controls and mouse input.
-Many many backend changes and tweaks

-Hopefully all this and more on Glibc.
-Enhancements for big picture mode, I need ideas!
-UI Tweaks
-General ideas I have for enhancements but I'm open to suggestions

Source code is not updated yet (for dark mode at least) because I need to reference modifications easily when porting to Glibc which may be a minute.
