Video Demo: YouTube Video Demo
Description: A Final Project of Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science. Dusk is a web application that is keeps track of the a task. It is developed with students and developers in mind. Dusk also helps the user concentrate whilst at this task. The inspiration was drawn from my lack of concentration - I have ADHD, which is very bad for someone that wants to spend hours coding. Dusk focuses on solving a problem that has already been solved but in a better way. For instance, most browsers time keepers will keep ticking when my laptop lid is shut. It's supposed to stop since the user isn't working at the moment.
- Bootstrap (framework)
- Javascript
- Flask (framework)
- Home page features
- Login
- Pomodoro
- ToDo
Dusk is a web application built with javascript and python (flask) that keeps track of a task using the pomodoro technique. Pomodoro technique according to Wikipedia is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used as a university student.
The original technique has six steps:
- Decide on the task to be done.
- Set the pomodoro timer (typically for 25 minutes).
- Work on the task.
- End work when the timer rings and take a short break (typically 5–10 minutes).
- If you have finished fewer than three pomodoros, go back to Step 2 and repeat until you go through all three pomodoros.
- After three pomodoros are done, take the fourth pomodoro and then take a long break (typically 20 to 30 minutes). Once the long break is finished, return to step two.
For the purposes of the technique, a pomodoro is an interval of work time. Regular breaks are taken, aiding assimilation. A 10-minute break separates consecutive pomodoros. Four pomodoros form a set. There is a longer 20–30 minute break between sets. The javascript file timer.js takes care of the above steps. The algorithm is built to allow only one mode at a time. They are three modes in the app:
- Pomodoro
- Short Break
- Long Break
The initial idea was to write the pomodoro alogrithm with python (backend). After some research, I found out that it could be problem sending the timer to the frontend every second. That was how I started learning Javascript more deeply.
The ToDo part of the web app was written with Javascript in the file, to-do.js. The ToDo allows users to add a todo, tick it when they are done with the task - with a line through and the user can delete a task or clear the whole todos. Learning Javascript object was handy in completing this task.
The name of the app and design of the app was inspired by the calmness of the dusk - the ability of it to make you calm and concentrated. Which is the main purpose of the app.
The Dusk app is strutured in the normal way Flask app is structured
- Static folder, for javascript files, css files, audios, pictures and other static components of the web app that doesn't change. Files in the static folder are grouped into different folders of similarities. For instance, the css files of the web page are grouped into the css folder. The same goes to the images, javascript and svg of the web app. This is to aid in clarity as the page grows.
- Templates folder, for the html files of the web pages. The templates folder of this application also contains the includes folder which is not a real html page but an inclusion of the main html pages whenever we need them. Files in the includes folder of the temolates folder includes;
- _flashmessages.html: this is used to show alert when necessary.
- _formhelpers.html: this is also used to show alert when necessary.
- _navbar.html: for the navbar of the home page. contains the main flask initialization of the web app. It also contains the routing of the pages. MySQL initialization and so on. contains the utility functions of the app which includes:
- login_required function and
- RegisterForm class The function and the class was then imported into the