Filter is a C program that I wrote to manipulate images(filter images). It does exactly what the name implies. The Filter program has four filters;
- Grayscale filter: This filter turns the image into black and white.
- Sepia filter; which gives images an old-timey feel by making the whole image look a bit reddish-brown.
- Reflection filter; Some filters might also move pixels around. Reflecting an image, for example.
- Blur; There are a number of ways to create the effect of blurring or softening an image. For this problem, we’ll use the “box blur,” which works by taking each pixel and, for each color value, giving it a new value by averaging the color values of neighboring pixels.
In anticipation of this problem, we spent the past several days taking photos of people we know, all of which were saved on a digital camera as JPEGs on a memory card. (Okay, it’s possible we actually spent the past several days on Facebook instead.) Unfortunately, we somehow deleted them all! Thankfully, in the computer world, “deleted” tends not to mean “deleted” so much as “forgotten.” Even though the camera insists that the card is now blank, we’re pretty sure that’s not quite true. Indeed, we’re hoping (er, expecting!) you can write a program that recovers the photos for us! Recover is a C program that recovers deleted JPEGS from a memory card.