Last updated: 2023-02-08
This package has been copied from the much better BBC bbplot, and reapplied to work for creating graphics in a DLUHC style. Credit must go to the BBC data team for their fantastic product which the team at DLUHC have essentially copied for our own use.
is not on CRAN, so you will have to install it directly
from Github using devtools
If you do not have the devtools
package installed, you will have to
run the first line in the code below as well.
# install.packages('devtools')
For more info on dluhctheme
check out the package’s Github
repo, but most of the
details about how to use the package and its functions are detailed
When you have downloaded the package and successfully installed it you are good to go and create charts.
The package has two types of functions;
Generic functions:
are functions which are designed to be generic themes which can be added to any ggplot2 object. They only edit the axes and the grid lines and define the text style, they do not set the colour of lines or fill on the graphs. -
Specific functions: The other functions are used as a quick tool for instantly creating a particular type of formatted graph based on a set shape of data inputted. These are less adaptable, but allow a user to create a graph in one line of code:
These functions allow you to create a data visualization in a set theme instantly but are more fixed in some of their formatting. Examples of these functions can all be found in the “Reference” tab at the top of this page