COMPAS main library
COMPAS is an open-source, Python-based computational framework for collaboration and research in architecture, engineering and digital fabrication. It is developed by the Block Research Group of ETH Zurich, with the support of the National Centre for Competence in Research (NCCR) on “Digital Fabrication”.
COMPAS is divided into a main library and a pool of user-contributed research packages. The main library is entirely open source and subject to the MIT license. It features
- a pure Python base with flexible data structures, algorithms, and methods geared towards applications in architecture, engineering, and fabrication;
- geometry processing independent of CAD tools;
- interoperability with C/C++ code and libraries such as ShapeOp, libigl and Eigen;
- methods and solvers for numerical computation built around NumPy and SciPy;
- high performance computing through GPU acceleration and JIT compilation;
- plotters and viewers for two-dimensional and basic three-dimensional visualization; and
- interfaces to common CAD software and ecosystems.