2.0.0-beta5 (11-Nov-2022)
- Feature: Improvements in the remotes management and API (#12468)
- Feature: Implement env_info and user_info as fake attributes in Conan 2.0 (#12351)
- Feature: Improve settings.rm_safe() (#12379)
- Feature: New RecipeReference equality (#12506)
- Feature: Simplifying compress and uncompress of .tgz files (#12378)
- Feature: conan source command does not require a default profile (#12475)
- Feature: Created a proper LockfileAPI, with detailed methods (update, save, etc), instead of several loose methods (#12502)
- Feature: The conan export can also produce lockfiles, necessary for users doing a 2 step (export + install--build) process (#12502)
- Feature: Drop compat_app (#12484)
- Fix: Fix transitive propagation of transitive_headers=True (#12508)
- Fix: Fix transitive propagation of transitive_libs=False for static libraries (#12508)
- Fix: Fix test_package for python_requires (#12508)