SDK v2.2.0-alpha.0
1755 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- fix: root message id issue by @rhlsthrm in #4464
- ci: testnet by @rhlsthrm in #4563
- feat: reenable cache by @wanglonghong in #4566
- chore: try with default value by @wanglonghong in #4567
- feat: separate reader and writer in lh by @preethamr in #4572
- fix: set max limit on lh prover pub by @preethamr in #4570
- Tf vars by @just-a-node in #4531
- Sdk server cors by @just-a-node in #4576
- feat: retry mechanism in lh publisher by @wanglonghong in #4578
- feat: bump sdk-wrapper version by @just-a-node in #4580
- feat: use redis to store lh sub cache by @preethamr in #4581
- fix: arb goerli gas limit by @rhlsthrm in #4585
- fix: message duplication in queue by @wanglonghong in #4584
- chore: slowdown publisher cron by @wanglonghong in #4586
- chore: revert hardcoding for linea by @wanglonghong in #4587
- ci: publish sdk from sdk-wrapper by @just-a-node in #4588
- Sdk wrapper publish by @just-a-node in #4589
- ci: commitlint by @just-a-node in #4590
- fix: delete cache only locally and update config by @preethamr in #4593
- ci: testnet by @rhlsthrm in #4594
- fix: reset message checkpoint by @wanglonghong in #4595
- fix: decrease arb-goerli hardcoded gaslimit by @wanglonghong in #4596
- fix: lh upper bound by @wanglonghong in #4598
- fix: 4574 carto graph query errors by @liu-zhipeng in #4599
- ci: testnet prod by @rhlsthrm in #4601
- chore: decrease prover pub timeout by @wanglonghong in #4605
- 4254 slippage by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4542
- fix: hard exit on mq disruption by @rhlsthrm in #4600
- chore: increase gaslimit for arbg by @wanglonghong in #4606
- Merge pull request Sdk v2.1.0 alpha.3 by @just-a-node in #4608
- feat: admin connector wip by @rhlsthrm in #4569
- Merge pull request Sdk wrapper bn conversion by @just-a-node in #4604
- Add ladao-xocolatl to prod allow-listing by @daigarocota in #4457
- build: bump sdk version by @just-a-node in #4610
- fix: tune LH config by @preethamr in #4612
- Chain abstraction v1.0.2 alpha.20 by @just-a-node in #4624
- ci: commitlint by @just-a-node in #4625
- build: sdk stable latest by @just-a-node in #4620
- feat: add fitler by domain getTransfers() by @sanchaymittal in #4615
- chore: remove unused parts by @wanglonghong in #4380
- config: slow down lighthouse by @LayneHaber in #4630
- ci: add mainnet ops by @wanglonghong in #4636
- ci: testnet prod by @rhlsthrm in #4635
- fix: add pagination on message status check by @preethamr in #4643
- feat: add ability to search by execute and reconcile hash by @rhlsthrm in #4653
- add ecr lifecycle policy by @carlomazzaferro in #4662
- Sdk server mainnet ops by @just-a-node in #4652
- ci: testnet prod sync by @preethamr in #4656
- fix: historical price poller check to timestamp by @liu-zhipeng in #4664
- ci: testnet-prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #4665
- chore: add new excluded address by @rhlsthrm in #4663
- chore: exempt satellite on mumbai by @LayneHaber in #4669
- ci: testnet prod sync by @preethamr in #4667
- Added alchemix mainnet assets by @Hesnicewithit in #4603
- chore: reduce fast path latency by @wanglonghong in #4675
- build: bump sdk-core by @just-a-node in #4677
- ci: testnet-prod by @rhlsthrm in #4678
- feat: 4538 wormhole connector by @liu-zhipeng in #4623
- ci: testnet prod by @rhlsthrm in #4679
- ci: prod by @rhlsthrm in #4638
- feat: catch error by @LayneHaber in #4690
- ci: ops hotfix by @rhlsthrm in #4680
- feat: wormhole hh task by @liu-zhipeng in #4698
- 4699 sdk provider options by @just-a-node in #4701
- 4237 multipath swaps by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4609
- chore: cleanup web3signer by @sanchaymittal in #4400
- fix: 512 -> 2048 by @carlomazzaferro in #4715
- fix: sequencer missing bids by @wanglonghong in #4735
- fix: provider passing in options by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4731
- Testnet prod sync by @just-a-node in #4742
- Testnet prod sync by @just-a-node in #4760
- Prod sync by @just-a-node in #4763
- add BTRST token to allowlisting scripts by @multiart in #4719
- feat: gelato estimate for testnet by @sanchaymittal in #4774
- RADAR_TEST asset added by @mantasfam in #4745
- ci: testnet-prod by @rhlsthrm in #4775
- chore: Re update gelato estimate testnet by @sanchaymittal in #4779
- ci: testnet-prod sync by @preethamr in #4780
- fix: testnet config changes by @preethamr in #4789
- fix: prune auction cache properly by @wanglonghong in #4791
- fix: update graph client by @rhlsthrm in #4799
- fix: account for decimal precision differences by @just-a-node in #4782
- feat: introduce a secondary poller in router by @wanglonghong in #4801
- chore: hosted service downtime by @wanglonghong in #4803
- fix: unit test on testnet prod by @wanglonghong in #4810
- feat: manage relayer tasks by @wanglonghong in #4785
- fix: pending transfers poller in carto-transfers by @wanglonghong in #4812
- fix: force update slippage in sdkbase by @wanglonghong in #4822
- build: bump sdk core by @just-a-node in #4826
- Prod sync by @wanglonghong in #4829
- config: add test contract to relayer fee exemption by @LayneHaber in #4840
- fix: init script for xTokens by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4838
- fix: include all chains by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4851
- Chore: add alcx to test net by @Hesnicewithit in #4833
- feat: add EURe to testnet allowlist by @just-a-node in #4795
- fix: update mumbai distributor by @LayneHaber in #4849
- feat: add BTRST data by @multiart in #4773
- this is only a xMonoTest test by @axlvaz in #4798
- config: add new distributor by @LayneHaber in #4854
- Upsize relayer instance type pre-scale sequencer and LH by @preethamr in #4848
- chore: Hotfix-update-mumbai-distributor-2 by @sanchaymittal in #4856
- ci: prod sync by @preethamr in #4857
- Hotfix-distributor-update-for-tokensoft by @sanchaymittal in #4862
- config: update distributors and satellites by @LayneHaber in #4866
- fix: 4871 fallback subgraph fix by @liu-zhipeng in #4872
- Whitelist NEXT xerc20s by @just-a-node in #4855
- feat: new xerc20 for dappradar testnet by @just-a-node in #4858
- Down scale mainnet by @preethamr in #4887
- Testnet Prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #4873
- fix: merge changes to sdk and init script from main by @just-a-node in #4898
- fix: migrate state to new backend by @carlomazzaferro in #4901
- Fix/migrate state prod by @carlomazzaferro in #4903
- Fix/migrate state prod core by @carlomazzaferro in #4904
- ci: deploy terraform state changes by @carlomazzaferro in #4907
- Fix/ci fix - remove flow control by @carlomazzaferro in #4910
- fix: control flow by @carlomazzaferro in #4911
- ci: prod deply by @carlomazzaferro in #4912
- Fix/tf version bump by @carlomazzaferro in #4914
- Fix/merge conflict testnet prod resolution by @carlomazzaferro in #4918
- fix: terraform version by @carlomazzaferro in #4916
- ci: deploy to prod by @carlomazzaferro in #4924
- fix: bumpTransfer task by @just-a-node in #4950
- 4927-One Inch config added to chain-abstraction SDK by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4955
- feat: 4708 protocol backend tasks for integration test by @liu-zhipeng in #4800
- fix: smoke tests on main by @wanglonghong in #4962
- Bump: Chain-abstraction SDK version by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4959
- chore: use the constant for db_image by @wanglonghong in #4963
- fix: 1inch api for quote by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4964
- fix: send to relayer with correct domain by @liu-zhipeng in #4978
- fix:chain-abstraction:bump by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #4985
- fix: tag images with the branch name by @carlomazzaferro in #4984
- add testnet-prod lcp by @carlomazzaferro in #4988
- feat: flow logs + networking improvements by @carlomazzaferro in #4979
- testnet prod sync by @rhlsthrm in #5005
- fix: add zksync provider by @rhlsthrm in #5006
- fix: public subnets for services by @carlomazzaferro in #5007
- testnet-prod sync by @carlomazzaferro in #5008
- Fix/testnet prod networking fixes by @carlomazzaferro in #5009
- ci: sync testnet-prod with main by @preethamr in #5010
- fix: networking mainnet fixes and ecr lcps by @carlomazzaferro in #5015
- fix: improve ecp to remove any tagged images by @carlomazzaferro in #5024
- Radar token update by @Sonmezturk in #4892
- feat: 5033 working linea connector by @liu-zhipeng in #5037
- Testnet Prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5038
- fix: testnet prod terraform by @liu-zhipeng in #5039
- testnet prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5040
- feat: create xERC20 template by @just-a-node in #5049
- fix: linea subgraph by @liu-zhipeng in #5044
- Testnet prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5057
- fix: add bware linea goerli subgraph by @liu-zhipeng in #5059
- feat: 5069 testnet onboarding lh agents works by @liu-zhipeng in #5074
- testnet prod sync by @sanchaymittal in #5079
- fix: 5069 testnet onboarding lh agents works by @liu-zhipeng in #5080
- chore: remove llamarpc from LH propagate config by @wanglonghong in #5086
- fix: comment gnosis subgraph by @liu-zhipeng in #5087
- fix: docker build fix by @carlomazzaferro in #5092
- fix: reduce gas limit for bnb sendoutboutroot by @liu-zhipeng in #5090
- fix: restore gnosis subgraph comment by @liu-zhipeng in #5088
- fix: process from root linea by @liu-zhipeng in #5084
- testnet prod sync by @sanchaymittal in #5081
- fix: bring prod infra up to date by @carlomazzaferro in #5097
- fix: graphclient yml prod by @liu-zhipeng in #5101
- fix: increase wait attempts by @liu-zhipeng in #5103
- fix: increase gas for linea propagate by @liu-zhipeng in #5095
- testnet prod sync by @sanchaymittal in #5106
- Prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5100
- fix: linea process from root args by @liu-zhipeng in #5108
- testnet-prod sync by @sanchaymittal in #5109
- Testnet prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5111
- fix: improve auto-scaling policies by @carlomazzaferro in #5118
- testnet-prod sync by @carlomazzaferro in #5121
- fix: 5125 sendoutboundroot cron called twice by @liu-zhipeng in #5126
- fix: 5125 sendoutboundroot cron called twice by @liu-zhipeng in #5129
- Testnet prod sync by @liu-zhipeng in #5130
- fix: increase lh mem by @carlomazzaferro in #5132
- testnet-prod sync by @carlomazzaferro in #5134
- chore: update main ops with latest staging changes by @carlomazzaferro in #5135
- fix: remove linea node from rpc list by @preethamr in #5136
- feat: added IXT token by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #5115
- fix: retry issue in lh on main by @wanglonghong in #5151
- feat: testnet prod sync for retry issue by @wanglonghong in #5158
- Update by @vaibhav-009 in #5082
- Add support FRACTION on mainnet by @ArjunBhuptani in #4368
- feat: update alcx testnet asset by @just-a-node in #4878
- feat: Linea mainnet deployment by @sanchaymittal in #5068
- feat: add mainnet ALCX by @just-a-node in #4877
- feat: added grump cat by @prathmeshkhandelwal1 in #5046
- chore: update package json with release version by @preethamr in #5182
New Contributors
- @daigarocota made their first contribution in #4457
- @multiart made their first contribution in #4719
- @mantasfam made their first contribution in #4745
- @axlvaz made their first contribution in #4798
- @Sonmezturk made their first contribution in #4892
- @vaibhav-009 made their first contribution in #5082
Full Changelog: sdk-v2.1.0-alpha.0...sdk-v2.2.0-alpha.0