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focorunner edited this page Aug 7, 2012 · 9 revisions

###Get list of Campaigns

// Get first page of campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaigns();

// Get second page of campaigns
$moreCampaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaigns($campaigns['nextlink']);

###Get Campaign Details

// Get first page of campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaigns();

// Get details of the first campaign returned
$details = $ConstantContact->getCampaignDetails($campaigns['campaigns'][0]);

###Get Campaigns by Status

$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaignsByStatus('sent');

###Create a Campaign

// Get verified account addresses
$VerifiedAddresses = $ConstantContact->getVerifiedAddresses();

// Create new campaign object
$Campaign = new Campaign();

// Set unique campaign variables in object
$Campaign->name = "New Campaign";
$Campaign->subject = "Subject Line here";
$Campaign->emailContent = "<html><body>Hello!</body></html>";
$Campaign->textVersionContent = "This is my text version";

// Create campaign in Constant Contact Account, first verified address as from and reply-to
$ConstantContact->addCampaign($Campaign, $VerifiedAddresses['addresses'][0])

###Update a Campaign

// Get the first page of campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaigns();

// Get the details of the first campaign returned
$myCampaign = $ConstantContact->getCampaignDetails($campaigns['campaigns'][0]);

// Assign new properties
$myCampaign->subject = "My new subject line";

// Update the campaign
$update = $ConstantContact->updateCampaign($myCampaign);

Delete a campaign

// Get the first page of campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaigns();

// Delete the first campaign returned
$delete = $ConstantContact->deleteCampaign($myCampaign);

###Get Campaign Reporting Data

// Get sent campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaignsByStatus('sent');

// Set $myCampaign to the first returned campaign 
$myCampaign = $campaigns['campaigns'][0];

// Get various reporting data for the campaign
$sends = $ConstantContact->getCampaignSends($myCampaign);
$opens = $ConstantContact->getCampaignOpens($myCampaign);
$optouts = $ConstantContact->getCampaignOptOuts($myCampaign);
$bounces = $ConstantContact->getCampaignBounces($myCampaign);
$forwards = $ConstantContact->getCampaignForwards($myCampaign);

###Schedule a Campaign to be sent

// Get draft campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaignsByStatus('draft');

// Schedule the campaign for delivery
$schedule = $ConstantContact->scheduleCampaign($campaigns['campaigns'][0], '2011-11-13T20:03:35.000Z');

###Get a Campaign's schedule

// Get a list of scheduled campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaignsByStatus('scheduled');

// Get the schedule for the first returned campaign
$Schedule = $ConstantContact->getCampaignSchedule($campaigns['campaigns'][0]);

###Cancel a scheduled Campaign from sending

// Get a list of scheduled campaigns
$campaigns = $ConstantContact->getCampaignsByStatus('scheduled');

// Delete the schedule of the first returned Campaign
$deleteSchedule = $ConstantContact->deleteCampaignSchedule($camps['campaigns'][0]);
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