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Boilerplate for Pytorch and Weights and Biases

During our experiments, I often found myself reimplementing the same training loop multiple times. This leads to duplicate code, the chance to introduce new bugs and propagate old ones, and a slow start for new projects.

This repository is a simple boilerplate which suits our needs for machine learning experiments. It features a customizable training loop in Pytorch and exploits Weights & Biases (W&B) to log results in an organized fashion.

Experimental hyper-parameters are controlled via command-line arguments and can be easily searched with W&B sweeps. Experiments are automatically grouped by hyper-parameter values, to easily compute averages and errors over multiple replicates. Events triggered during training are tracked and each run is tagged accordingly, to easily filter and debug problematic runs.

Caveat: We often deal with a discrete hyper-parameter space (i.e., a grid search or a random search on discrete values), and we train from scratch. This boilerplate is optimized for our needs, and it may need to be adapted.

A small snippet also allows to automatically generate a basic containing code dependencies and command-line arguments.

For demonstration purposes, this boilerplate trains a simple feedforward network on the MNIST digits dataset.

You can check the results here.


For anti-plagiarism reasons, we need to share our experiments with an attribution license, however, this boilerplate is released under the Beer-ware license.

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * <> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
 * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
 * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some design choices in the code were inherited from my supervisor. Generated experiment names are property of their respective owners.


Requirements will depend on the actual implementation, here is a minimum list of dependencies:


For the snippet, make sure pipreqs is installed.

Usage (generate

  1. Delete this
  2. Run python
  3. Delete (or gitignore it)
  4. Manually complete new

Usage (standalone mode)

  1. Run python [--args values] --save yes/no, use --help for a list of hyper-parameters.
  2. Analyze results printed on screen (--save no) or stored on --output_path.

Note: you can pass the --device argument or set the DEVICE environment variable to control on which device the experiment will be run.

Usage (standalone W&B)

  1. Run python [--args values] --wandb_project "project name".
  2. Log into your W&B account and analyze results from your dashboard.
  3. Group project runs by "Group" and filter them by "Tags".

Usage (W&B sweep)

  1. Define a W&B Sweep by searching at least over a seed hyper-parameter
  2. Run your sweep with wandb agent sweep_id (also from multiple machines).
  3. Group project runs by "Group" and filter them by "Tags".
  4. Analyze results from your dashboard.

Note: runs will be automatically associated with a Finished/Failed status, based on training events.

Caveat: Due to how wandb agent wraps the code, KeyboardInterrupt will never be caught, so the User abort tag will never be generated in sweep mode.

If your hyper-parameter space is sparse, you can set the following environment variables, to prevent wandb agent from stopping:


List of tags

Tag (informative) Event
Success Training completed successfully
Overfitting METRIC_NAME (learning) The difference of METRIC_NAME between training and test set is too high at some point during training
Overfitting METRIC_NAME (end) The difference of METRIC_NAME between training and test set is still too high at the end of training
Random guessing METRIC_NAME (SPLIT) At the end of training, the model performs as bad as (or worse than) a random guesser, in terms of METRIC_NAME measured on SPLIT
Most probable guessing METRIC_NAME (SPLIT) At the end of training, the model performs as bad as (or worse than) a model which guesses the most probable class, in terms of METRIC_NAME measured on SPLIT
Vanishing gradient The gradient norm is too small for some batch
Exploding gradient The gradient norm is too large for some batch
High StdDev The standard deviation of the gradient norm is too large for some batch
Tag (error) Event
Irrelevant hyperparameters Experiment aborted because --abort_irrelevant was passed and a combination of hyper-parameters was irrelevant
User abort The user sent a SIGINT signal
Timeout --epoch_timeout was set and a single epoch took too long to finish
NaN loss The loss was not a number
Inf loss The loss was infinite
NaN gradient The gradient norm was not a number

Irrelevant hyper-parameters: Sometimes, hyper-parameters interact in complex ways and some combinations may be redundant (e.g., when comparing an MLP with a LSTM, backpropagation through time makes sense only in the latter case). W&B has no way of nesting hyper-parameters and it will repeat experiments, potentially sweeping through combinations which are functionally equivalent. In order to save precious search time, the --abort_irrelevant argument terminates a run when the utils.prune_hyperparameters function detects an irrelevant combination.

Thresholds for tags

Tag Argument Default value Trigger condition
Overfitting --overfitting_threshold 0.5 $M_{train} - M_{test} &gt; threshold$
Vanishing gradient --vanishing_threshold 1e-5 $|\nabla Loss| &lt; threshold$
Exploding gradient --exploding_threshold 1e7 $|\nabla Loss| &gt; threshold$
High StdDev --std_threshold 200.0 $\sigma(\nabla Loss) &gt; threshold$
Random guessing --rnd_threshold 0.1 $M^{rnd}_{split} + threshold &gt; M_{split}$
Most probable guessing --mp_threshold 0.1 $M^{mp}_{split} + threshold &gt; M_{split}$


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