This is a big release with tons of nice tweaks and fixes. Thanks to everyone for contributing!
This is 3.0.1 because a few minor changes were missing in the 3.0.0 release.
Implemented enhancements:
- Update README.md to thank all our wonderful contributors by name! #63
- Document what each package in package.json is useful for in README.md #62
- Added loader to handle images url in SCSS #74 (iLeonelPerea)
- Now reloads full app when hot reloading fails. Set webpack-hot-middleware/client reload params to true #72 (Boychenko)
- [Streamlined Redux dev tool support config
- Streamlined hot reloading config using babel-preset-react-hmre.
- Build is now faster because it runs in parallel. :)
- Added startMessage to dev build. Restructured start and build tasks to better support running in parallel
- Streamlined test config
- Switched to npm-run-all for simpler syntax and better ongoing support for parallelized npm tasks
Fixed bugs:
- 404 on hot-update.json when using subroutes #75
- Error when add url into css styles #73
- Moved favicon to proper location.
- Removed watch package since unused
- Added leading slash to fix bundle.js reference in index.html to fix bug with connect-history-api-fallback
Closed issues:
- npm install error #83
- integration with bootstrap #70
- SyntaxError: Unexpected keyword 'const'. Const declarations are not supported in strict mode. #67
- Nested routes are not working when URL is refreshed #65
- How to run production server #64
Merged pull requests:
- Fix compose error in configure store dev version #85 (shallker)
- Added support for Mocha to ignore webpack styles via ignore-styles #82 (jeremyadavis)
- Only log success after writing finishes. #78 (firstdoit)
- Created CONTRIBUTORS.md #66 (nickytonline)