The all new all-singing Kubernetes Operator (Cloud Native Database) Docs project, extracted from
set -exu -o pipefail
# brew install git-filter-repo
# download *new* copy of operator
gh repo clone couchbase/couchbase-operator
cd couchbase-operator
git checkout 2.8.x
git checkout 2.7.x
git checkout 2.6.x
git checkout 2.5.x
git checkout 2.4.x
git filter-repo --subdirectory-filter docs/user/ --refs master 2.8.x 2.7.x 2.6.x 2.5.x 2.4.x --force
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin
cp ../ .
# Github doesn't process include::
# so workaround by splitting README into head and tail portions
cat ../README.adoc.head ../README.adoc.tail > README.adoc
git add README.adoc
git commit -m "DOC-13085: extract docs from couchbase-operator monorepo"
git branch -m release/2.4
git push -u origin release/2.4 --force
git tag docs-repo-extraction release/2.4
git checkout 2.5.x
git branch -m release/2.5
git cherry-pick docs-repo-extraction
git push -u origin release/2.5 --force
git checkout 2.6.x
git branch -m release/2.6
git cherry-pick docs-repo-extraction
git push -u origin release/2.6 --force
git checkout 2.7.x
git branch -m release/2.7
git cherry-pick docs-repo-extraction
git push -u origin release/2.7 --force
git checkout 2.8.x
git branch -m release/2.8
git cherry-pick docs-repo-extraction
git push -u origin release/2.8 --force